As 2024 is drawing to a close, I thought it could be fun to share our 2025 resolutions with each other! They don’t have to be Doctor Who themed, but I expect many of us do have Who-related goals.
I, for one, am hoping to make my way through 60’s Who (as I’m probably gonna finish 80’s Who this year) and finally watch SJA (and K9, I guess. I want that badge). I also want to try reading more (73 EDAs to get through, after all). What about you?
2025 will be my Gallifrey year
I also want to experience all stories with Romana in them, but I’m not sure whether I will finish those next year. And I want to finish all the TV stories, I’m just missing Class and some second doctor reconstructions where I only watched the animations.
As for non-Doctor Who resolutions, I’m mainly planning to improve my mental health. I’m hoping that next year might be the year I finally manage to kick the skin picking habit. I’ve made some pretty good progress for that this year, but I’m not quite there yet.
Well with the new site designing launching next week I can finally get around to lots of new content and features which have been on the back burner while I worked on that.
So 2025 is the year of adding all the stories to the site, loads more collectables, finally finishing stats, and some cool new features
Doctor-who related resolutions, not sure really I will just carry on listening to as much as I can, maybe I will resolve to do a rewatch of some of the classic episodes. I’d like to see some Leela and Romana episodes again now that I am deep in Gallifrey.
Personal resolutions, well I need to keep up my running and do that more, been slacking a bit lately, maybe I’ll try and beat my PB which was 10km. Maybe I aim to double that and do a half marathon one day!