As to my actual music tastes, I grew up listening to 60s and 70s Classic Rock intermixed with old-style country, folk and gospel. As an adult, I also like select film and video game soundtracks, Irish folk music (High Kings and Irish Rovers), some scottish, Weird al, little bits of Blues/Rhythm & Blues (thank you Blues Brothers), Sea Shanties, Christian Music and a scattering of other stuff. I really should post more stuff here.
I love Cyndi. I’m seeing her on her farewell tour next month.
The melody on “I had a fool’s confidence that the world had no boundaries, but instinct and common sense, they come in different quantities” kills me every time.
Yeah, Cyndi is great, and over time, Sally’s Pigeons has raised up to be pretty much my favorite of her songs.
So Sheet Music Boss released this on September 13 and about half the comments are Whovian in nature.