The website is struggling with the traffic but there’s an snapshot: Steven Moffat returns to write episode for new season of Doctor Who | Doctor Who
Thanks. Was trying to read it but could not get in.
Oh my giddy aunt do they know how to drum up excitement for the upcoming season
Some of Moffat’s best work was under RTD. Exciting news! Even if it’s not another Blink/Silence in the Library it’s likely going to be brilliant. Hopefully he stays on as an occasional writer for future seasons.
One thing I notice is that it’s changed from “Moffett is writing the Christmas special” to “writing an episode of the first season”. Which makes more sense, really.
Not to be a downer but like. Really?? I love Moffat’s writing and I probably will be excited for another episode, and I have no doubt I’ll enjoy it, but… I don’t know, I guess I wish they’d just let someone else have a go instead of having the same old people who have been doing it since 2005. Dr Who thrives on changes and I guess this just feels like a step backwards to me
I see it as more like Robert Holmes coming back to do Season 23. I’m sure there are plenty of other writers coming. It’s only one episode after all.
Say what you like about Chibnall, though, (and I am on record as thoroughly enjoying his era) but he brought a lot of new writers into the show.
I’m happy to see Moffat back… but I also want Maxine Alderton back, as the best of the new Chibnall writers.
I love seeing new writers and I’m excited to see some in this era but I don’t think that has to be mutually exclusive with bringing back some well-loved old writers. Moffat wrote some of the most highly praised episodes of RTD’s first era and hasn’t written for the show for over 6 years, so I’m definitely excited to see him back.
No reason we can’t have both. Returning favorites and new talent! Just like with the characters.
Not going to see any complaints from me with Moffat coming back for writing an episode or two.
I think this is great news. Moffat is responsible for some of the finest stories of the modern era
I am so happy about this. It’s no secret that I love Moffat’s writing. I also think he’s at his best when he doesn’t have to write everything, so is not the show runner. The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances, The Girl in the Fireplace, and of course Blink - all top tier episodes.
Now if he could bring River Song back in a season or two my life would be complete haha.
It’s not yet finished but here is the “writer” page for Steven Moffat:
This is really exciting! Moffat is a great episode writer. I hope we’ll get a good mix of new and old writers with Fifteen.
Apparantly not for this season. It seems to be RTD, Moffat and one new writer.
I believe there are two actually, co-writing Dot and Bubble (I think).
Yes it’s two: Kate Herron and Briony Redman. They’re co-writing Rogue. Dot and Bubble is RTD.