May's introduction

Hello, I’m May, I’m 22 years old and I’ve been a fan of the show since 2018 when I saw Jodie’s first episode “The Woman Who Fell to Earth”. Since then I have watched every surviving (and animated) story and a couple of recons too. I’m currently in the middle of a big rewatch of the show and I’m adding my scores from that.

My favourite Classic Doctors are Tom and McCoy and my favourite New Who Doctors are Whittaker and Eccleston.


Welcome to the forum @MayErin

Hi there, May, and welcome!

You’re in great company! Check out the TV Club every Monday. We are watching through Classic and New Who from the beginning, alternating between them every week. You can join the discussion there and share your opinions in the stories :slight_smile:

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Welcome! And wow, you caught up real fast - took me a long time to watch all Classic Who and I’d already seen all New Who at the time!

Have a lot of fun with the rewatch, and as @MrColdStream says do join us in our weekly TV threads.

Does Big Finish interest you at all?

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