The showrunner comes to you asking for a script for a Doctor Who anniversary special. They want a multi Doctor story, you need:
A Doctor
Another Doctor
An extra companion
A villain
I would 100% want Paul McGann to get some more screen time so I’d have the Fifteenth Doctor meet the Eighth. Susan would be the companion, they would go back and get her. I think that would be a fitting anniversary.
I guess the villain would be the Daleks, as they are the reason Susan stayed behind. But I’d like to do something different with them!
This is totally off topic (I know, what’s new) but when I played Animal Crossing during the pandemic I wrote a new Haiku about what I’d done each day and it was just so wholesome!
Lovely Ideas that I see here, personally my one idea that would be this:
Doctors: Fugitive & Three
Companion(s? I mean, hey, if most here can have two, then I can too!): Karvanista and Jo
Villain: Animus
Story: The Fugitive Doctor and Karvanista get trapped on Vortis and send out a distress signal, only to be greeted by Jo & Three.
Okay, so here’s my pitch for the 100th anniversary!
The Eighth Doctor (the Ghost of Paul McGann) and the Ninth Doctor (the Ghost of Chris Eccleston) join forces with Doom (Sooz Kempner) to tackle a mysterious being, known only as Coldstream, who spreads the belief that everything is a bad idea across time and space. But is Coldstream the Doctor, the Valeyard, the Master, or someone else entirely? And will he infect the Doctors mind so that the past will altered and the Doctor will enver leave Gallifrey, beliveing it to be a bad idea?
Tune in to BBC Zero on November 23rd, 2063 to find out!