It looks awesome. I miss the K9 logo but nothing is perfect
100% Faction Paradox but no K9??? What is going on
I want to encourage people to sign up not scare them off with K9
Ooooooo these look great!!
Well, that’s a great design! Visually appealing and informative! I hope they help people discover the site
Looks great! I’d be happy to help hand some out x
That would be great, otherwise I’m going to struggle to carry them all haha.
Ops, just realised that I uploaded v1 of the leaflet design here, I’ve swapped it now for the actual one that was printed.
Just a few small tweaks, main change is the background image - got rid of the planets, so it’s less busy - and changed the wording about the forum on the back.
Definitely down to give a hand too!
I can’t give you a hand, but I can give you air from my lungs! Clean Scandinavian air will help you carry around those leaflets without fainting!
If the list above is everyone for the Saturday meet up, I’ll go ahead a book a table or two.
“our members are respectful and kind. Not like other forums!” is very funny to me.
What’s this about a prize draw?
Details on the prize draw coming soon, and everyone will be eligible not just people who get leaflets.
Couple of tables booked at the Antelope from 4.30.
Looking forward to meeting people!
Ty Mr Andthebannermen.
Can’t believe this is a week away! See you all soon!
I’ll try and fight my anxiety to be properly social
Only just realised how close this is, not been on here much because of how hectic life has been and time has flown. Really excited though!