Latest additions to the site

Hi all, here are some recent new additions to the site!

I’m nearly getting there adding all Whoniverse content to the site! (Well, if you don’t count comics for a moment :fearful:)

The Sarah Jane Adventures audios & novels

I’ve been trying to cross things off my list, for my sanity, so I had a recent run of TSJA to finally get them checked off. I’ve added audio dramas and books! That should be all of it, bar a few random comics and Flash games that you can no longer really access…

Adventures in Lockdown, and Lockdown Who!

I had missed this book somehow, so I added it, plus all the related Lockdown-who style things. There are some more of those to add later!

The ‘Beyond the Doctor’ audio series

This was a quick win, so I added it!

Audio Adaptations

If you don’t own these 2 cassette tapes, you’re not a real fan (kidding!)

Make your own adventures book series

Someone asked me to add this :grin:

Vince Cosmos

I have no idea what this is :thinking:

You may also notice some small tweaks around the site, I’m working on icons and things, it’s not finished yet! And new logo coming soon :sunglasses:

Remember to give me a shout if you want me to prioritise adding anything, but it will all get on there… sooner or later!!


I was literally going to suggest this tonight because I just bought the final instalment with my Audible credit before ending my cheap 3 month subscription!


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Great minds and all that. Is it good?

No idea! I was waiting till I had all 5 parts before listening to it. It’s Paul Magrs so it could go one of two ways!