Before diving into the beloved/hated K9 show from 2009, I decided to watch the oft-forgotten early attempt at a Doctor Who spin-off from 1981, K9 and Company, which only aired one episode (“A Girl’s Best Friend” by Terence Dudley) and was never picked up for a full series.
I felt that the episode was perfectly okay, but not particularly interesting or exciting. That is to say, it didn’t make me go, “Oh, I’d like to see more of this.” It took too long to set up the main mystery, and it spent a lot of time with these characters that I didn’t care about at all. The supporting characters weren’t all that interesting, aside from Brendan. Sladen and Leeson are magnetic, though, as always.
By the end of the episode, I felt that I didn’t quite understand what they were trying to achieve with this spin-off, which was probably why it never amounted to anything. This remained pretty devoid of tension or excitement, and they never did anything interesting with the cult stuff.
Also, there’s not a lot of K9 in this, despite the show being named after him. It should be “Sarah-Jane and Company” instead.
The theme tune is wonderfully cheesy, though
Overall, this is a 6/10 for me.
What are your thoughts about the show? Would you have liked to see it become a full-fledged series, and what do you think would have happened in it if that had been the case? Do you think we would have seen cameos from Doctors, companions, villains, or other characters from Doctor Who? Would it have had a bigger impact on the Doctor Who universe as a whole?