It's Doctor Who! - An IDW Doctor Who Thread

Though so I also thought that it would be better to ask. Someday I will find something you don’t have :joy:

I actually liked this story. It was fun. The art was not my favourite. I gave it a string 3.5/5


I really liked Autopia a nice short comic with the Doctor and Donna visiting a seemingly perfect world. I really enjoy small comic stories where the stakes are not the end of the universe.

I also enjoy these short stories by different creative teams. It is fun to see what different styles you can take the Doctor concept to.

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Good luck with that!

to be fair I still haven’t read it


“Cold Blooded War!” was kind of meh until the end where it actually got a bit emotional. I really liked Agita as a character. Unfortunately, the art was not my style at all. 3.5/5

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Thanks to Tian using this thread, I got reminded of it and just wanted to say that The Girl Who Loved Doctor Who is a very lovely Comic with some nice Meta Moments and some really superb panelling all around. It’s Cornell, so of course it’s going to be excellent, but it was still a very delightful Surprise nonetheless!

(I should really read more of their Stuff in the Future, ehh I get around to it eventually :sob:)


Sounds interesting. I think that there is a Spiderman comic with a similar concept.

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Oh yeah, if I am correct with that Comic that I have in mind here, I’d say the Doctor Who Version of this kind of Story is a bit more meta than anything else. Meanwhile, the Spidey Story fits more in the regular Universe of the Marvel Comics, a bit hard to properly explain it without spoiling it, all I will say if you liked that Spidey Story and/or just like a good Doctor Who Story with some lovely nods, it’s a nice quick read with its 30 Pages!

Someone has done a review for it on the site…


Read two more stories:

Room with a Deja View - not my thing. I got what they were trying to do but it did not work for me. It just felt like it tried to be too clever.
Black Death White Life - I really liked the art in this. It was perfect for the story. Unfortunately, the story felt a bit flat and would have needed some more space to develop to get really interesting.

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That person did a review for this one too:

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