In need of an opinion: Classic serial selection

You see, I’ve started watching (partly rewatching for me) the Classic era with my older brother. Since he doesn’t want to watch every single one, I made a selection of serials plus content from the Wilderness Years and modern era (Like Scream of the Shalka and An Adventure in Space and Time) via Letterboxd. I’ll put the link here, do you think it’s a good selection?


it looks like you’ve got a good range there! I would probably put Pyramids of Mars in there and take out Talons of Weng Chiang, but that’s very much a personal taste thing - I don’t think there’s such a thing as a list that would please anyone! And it is so easy to go ooh, just add one more episode…


A great selection! Personally, I’d probably have the The Daleks there instead of The Daleks in Colour, whih I can’t stand (but I see the point of having that one instead). I’d also probably leave out The Underwater Menace (even if it’s fun) and include The Power of the Daleks instead. I’d also add Spearhead from Space, which is great and looks amazing (and maybe chuck out Invasion of the Dinosaurs)!


Well, yeah, we watched The Daleks in Colour both because of my curiosity and the fact that it’s easier to watch since it’s an “omnibus” serial, and I think I’ll do the same with the Tales of the TARDIS episodes.

Personally, I’d throw Invasion of Time in there. It’s a lot of fun. Also Earthshock and Enlightenment. Maybe the Mysterious Planet (or even the whole of Season 23) because otherwise, you’ll have a lot of explaining if you just watch The Unltimate Foe.


Yes, I know, I just put the “Ultimate Foe” as the “representative” of all of Trial of a Time Lord, same thing with The Ribos Operation. Still, thanks for the suggestion.


Seems like it’s missing “City of Death”.