Okay, as far as I see it, I do not have enough years of life left to read ALL the DW books, thus (some tough?) choices may have to be made…
While I can fall into the “purest” category that has to read through one series/doctor at a time before moving on, I could also be that guy that picks a book that just “looks/sounds” exciting and kind of jump around all over the place…
I’m curious to know what your criterion is for “picking that next book to read” ?
Currently, I am very much focused on Romana, so I’ll only read books containing her or others that are vital context for those. Apart from that, there are a few ranges I plan to eventually read in full, but that’s a while off still. I mostly pick at random among the ones I want to read next, unless they have a strict order
When it comes to Doctor Who, I’m rarely one who picks a Series and reads the whole thing. Because most Who novels are mostly stand alone (though there are arcs that should be read in order), my why of choosing a new book is A. “Does it look interesting?” and B. Can I actually get my hands on it?
I like to do stuff in order, so for like the EDAs and when I finally get to the VNAs I’m a total from the start and continue on person. For other ranges, like Jae I pick a character and read their books
Quite honestly, right now my choices are mostly dictated by whatever comes next in the Book Club. I might read some new releases in between when they are published.