How Old Were You When You Started Watching Doctor Who?

Basically the same as today then :wink:


I donā€™t remember if I was 5 or 6. But I do remember a bit of that first time seeing Robot. Iā€™ll say 5 so I can have just that one more year under my belt of having been a fan.


I have really fuzzy memories of The Time of Angels, but I wouldā€™ve been 2 when it aired so I suspect it was a rerun during the later Smith years. After that I remember the cold open of The Crimson Horror when it aired, when I was 5. I started really watching at the age of 9 with Series 10, so my first concrete memory of a full episode was The Pilot, and after that my father showed me the rest of the revival (with a heavy bias towards Tennant and against Capaldi) when I was around 10 or 11. Watching the show became more of a household tradition with the Chibnall era, as we spent our Thanksgiving watching The Woman Who Fell To Earth and kept up with Series 12 and onward as they aired.


Itā€™s so interesting seeing people who started watching doctor who at the same age but years apart.


My first Doctor Who was the Christmas edition of Planet of the Spiders. I was six. I didnā€™t understand a lot of it, but spent the next few days walking around going ā€œom mummy, omi mummyā€.

Iā€™ve watched it ever since. When I watched Tom Baker on Saturday evenings, we watched it as a family; but I watched the Spiders omnibus on my own as the rest of the family were all doing different things.


I was just short of 10 years old.

The previous week we (me and my brother) had just managed to persuade our parents that it couldnā€™t be that scary as it was just Sarah Jane leaving and talking etc.

So our first story was The Deadly Assassin. Not scary at allā€¦

But we were hooked from then on.


Oh, youā€™re just a kid. :grinning: I started watching Doctor Who mid-way through Evil of the Daleks back in 1967.

I do sometimes wonder why there arenā€™t more fans my age on this forum. I wish there were. It gets a bit lonely being a greying geek. More so in real life. There are times when I yearn for a good nerdy conversation with someone my own age. (Ah, feeling a bit sorry for myself, my apologies.)


Itā€™s really nice seeing how intergenerational even just the TARDIS Guide community alone is!


@shauny is a grandad though. So technically heā€™s really old :wink: .


We still love to have you here regardless <3


Probably because itā€™s mostly been spread through word of mouth on sites like Tumblr, where the kids hang out lol

We do need to try and reach out more to the older fans!

Spread the word!


Iā€™ve tried so hard. Even my ancient friends havenā€™t really moved in.


Coming from a family of generational Whovians, I couldnā€™t imagine getting my grandparents to use the site. Firstly because they donā€™t find any sort of website accessible no matter what it is, and secondlyā€¦having some outdated opinions on certain things to the point they refuse to properly acknowledge 13 and 15.

On the plus side, with my younger sister being Gen Alpha and loving 15, you care less about interacting with people your own age when it comes to Who (for me personally anyway :blush:). Iā€™ll just ensure this generational thing my great-grandmother started PERSISTS.


I hear you about the outdated opinions. But, please, can I just assure you and everyone else here that, just because Iā€™m 62 it doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m one of those awful old dudes who scream about everything being shudder ā€˜wokeā€™ (I hate that word - or, at least, I hate the way it has been twisted by those of a certain backward looking political persuasion). Weā€™re not all like that. Personally I think we should have had female and black Doctors back in the classic era.

I also hope that my sad little mope about feeling somewhat lonely as an older fan doesnā€™t make anyone think Iā€™ve got something against younger fans, because I actually think itā€™s wonderful that you all dig something that I fell in love with back in the Sixties. It means youā€™ll be keeping Doctor Who alive long after Iā€™m gone. Youā€™ll have to enjoy all the wonderful Doctors, companions and villains that Iā€™m going to miss out on for me (although, fingers crossed they have TV in the Afterlife).

I think, really, Iā€™m actually sad about not having a circle of fan friends in real life rather than here on the internet. Not even a circle, just one would do. In the thirty years Iā€™ve been living here in the South Hams, I havenā€™t found any friends to share my passion for Sci-Fi with. Most days I take myself off to the local cafe for an hour, where I sit and read a sci-fi novel on my Kindle (Iā€™m currently reading a Star Trek Voyager tie-in). Recently Iā€™ve been thinking how nice it would be to have a friend join me, and we could chat about all things Science Fiction related. If they were my age, then we might have a shared love of the same old school Sci-Fi we grew up with (ā€œHey, do you remember Rem from Loganā€™s Run the series?ā€ ā€œYeah, the android with the bushy eyebrowsā€¦ Donald Moffatt, he was in ā€˜The Thingā€™ too.ā€ ā€œThatā€™s the fella, did you know his parents ran a boarding house over in Totnes?ā€) Iā€™d love someone to chat to like that. Alas, most chaps my age want to talk about football and cars, neither of which interest me.

Oh well. Maybe someone can open a retirement home for clapped-out old sci-fi fans. :grinning:


Donā€™t worry, Iā€™m very aware that those opinions are exclusive to my family members, I never meant to generalize this onto you at all :heart::blush:. I think for most fanbases there are generational divides, I was just mentioning the reason why I wouldnā€™t recommend Tardisguide to older Whovians who I know personally.

Iā€™ve heard they have Steve Jobs in the Afterlife still making IPads, so weā€™ll hopefully have plenty of Doctor Who there too from all the writers and actors of the past. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I started watching Doctor when I was 11(?), happened to stumble upon it serendipitously. Iā€™d seen a bit of Blink on TV (I think it was a rerun because it was a few years after it had aired originally) at a friendā€™s house a year or so before but had no clue what it was at the time. I started watching with Elevenā€™s era and was totally hooked, ended up going back at watching all of NuWho. Aside from a brief blip in my freshman year of high school (you know the classic ā€œI need to hide my nerdy interests to appear coolā€ deal that is oh so common in insecure teenagers), itā€™s been a through-line in my life since. Going on about ten-ish years since I got into the show, with no plans of stopping :relieved:


Thank you for this comment; it was an enjoyable read. Youā€™re a good example of there being more mature fans out there who arenā€™t idiots or bigots. Thatā€™s easy to forget because those are usually the loudest fans on most platforms, so they are over-represented. I always have a lot of respect for those who have been around for far longer than I have. You contribute with different angles on things, with wisdom and warmth and wit. We younger fans would not exist without you older fans. And I hope we are worthy successors of the fan capes so that we donā€™t turn to those loud-mouthed seniors when we are the oldest fans in the fandom.


So how come youā€™ve never said or demonstrated this to me?


Youā€™re still too young! Your time will come :smiling_face:


Flattery will get you everywhere!