How do we add quotes?

Adding characters is something that I have to do.

I’m sure you can imagine the nightmare that would happen if I let people add characters - they might not find the right one and add their own and I end up with 10 variations of the same name.

Feel free to add a little note in the quote, which I will read and remove before publishing, detailing if you need an extra character or monster or tag :grin:

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Probably better quality than mine, since I’m usually just telling vlc to take a screenshot of a paused video, and some of mine aren’t the best quality. :zygon:

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Thanks for all the quotes, published all the ones sent in so far - and added Mr Finch!

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No problem. I kinda felt one of the big things was trying to make sure stories had at least one quote in there. I was a little surprised at some of the ones that didn’t have any at all.

(Of course, sometimes the quotes don’t look as good when just looking at a transcript. There are times where actually hearing and seeing the actors is what sells it…)

It’s just because so far it’s only been me adding them, and I added a range of the most famous quotes plus every now and then I do a deep dive into some of my favourite stories and add them in (I also added loads of quotes for River Song, for my River Song Ultimate Guide).


Makes sense, and I’ll admit, sometimes I’m just going “Okay, this story has Jamie in it, so let’s look for him, since he’s bound to have said something good.” or such…

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Should look much better in dark mode now :new_moon_with_face:

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That’s definitely an improvement! Now I might pay more attention to the dropdowns.

Thank you @sircarolyn for the Lucie Miller quotes, but excuse me I have something in my eye… :disappointed_relieved:

I know :sob: I love her the most out of everything ever but really I did so many because I was trying to find ‘Time and Relative Dimensions in Shed’ and I forgot what episode it was in :rofl:

Where did you get the quotes from? Or did you type them

I have some transcripts, I’ll PM you :blush:

I’m noticing that there’s a lot of quotes where it’s a quote from a single individual (as opposed to multiple individuals in script form) that doesn’t give who’s actually being quoted. In the picture I’ve included you can see the first quote is attributed to Susan, but the second quote, which is from the Doctor, isn’t attributed to anyone. And there’s lots of quotes like this (I’ve sorted the list by oldest first so it’s currently a lot of Hartnell era quotes). I don’t know if this is new development and just an error within the site or if this was always the case, but I figured I’d bring it to the High Council’s attention.


I know personally the ones I’ve submitted, I’ve copied straight from the transcripts unless not possible, which would have the names, then modified if there were any changes that needed to be made (such as specifying which Doctor was talking in a multi-Doctor episode).


Ah ok, this is a victim of me changing Doctors to be Characters. The data is there it’s just not appearing properly. I will take a look!


Okay, sounds good. Just thought I’d bring it to your attention.


@shauny loves it when we bring things to his attention.


This should now be fixed! Phew, wasn’t a big issue, just something I had tweaked that I shouldn’t have :laughing: