Hopefully I'm not too late to the party!


I saw a recent link to this site on a thread in another forum & came back to take another look (I’d first encountered it in its very early stages and decided to return once there was more to see, & then forgot!)

I’ve been having fun ticking off all the stories I’ve watched/read/listened to - though there are a few I haven’t managed to find on the site yet! - and then noticed the the book, audio & TV clubs which were just what I was looking for.

I’m gutted I wasn’t here at the start - even though I’m only a couple of months late I have a lot of catching up to do, particularly on the audios (fortunately I’d already started a VNA reread from the start so I’m actually a few books ahead on that one, and watched An Unearthly Child before it got taken down from ITVx, so TV is not too bad either.)

The first story I ever watched was Carnival of Monsters & by the end of that season I was a fan & remained so ever since, though some eras are more to my taste than others. I have recently got into Big Finish & the BBC Audiobooks in a big way but have yet to tackle the Monthly Range as its sheer size was overwhelming, but I guess now is as good a time as any!


Welcome! You are not to late. If you write in the old club topics you will probably get a response even if it is not the current one. That is what I am planning to do when I start reading the VNA.


Welcome. I’ve been posting in older Audio Club threads as I’ve been working my way through those audios and have been getting responses/likes on them.


Nice to have you here!

And yeah, I’d just comment on the thread for the audio or episode anyways, even if it was from a bit ago. If there’s one thing people like around here, it’s talking about Doctor Who.

If I get back to the Marian Conspiracy, I’ll probably be posting back in that thread… :tardis:


Welcome! I only discovered the site a couple weeks ago and love it, its the perfect thing for me and my brain. Im also ahead on the VNA’s but plan to comment as the book club goes on, though I am coincidentally in line with the New Series adventure read through.



What time do you call this? Better late than never! /sarcasm

As people have already said, it’s absolutely fine to join in and take it at your own pace - just comment on the story as you experience it and we will all reply!

Glad you like the site, and that it’s progressing well for you :blush: I’m always trying to add new features, let me know if you have any questions at all!


Welcome @Jane_Smee . Good to have you here. Please do add to any threads you fancy - there’s new people joining all the time so discussions are ongoing.