Hiya! Intro to me!

Hi! My name is Aston or Oz my pronouns are they/them, i don’t really know what to write here um so, I live in Australia and am in high school currently. I was introduced to Doctor Who by my parents when I was probably around 2 years old and have absolutely loved the show ever since.

My favourite doctors are 11, 10, 12,4 and 7, my favourite companions are Romana II, the Brigadier, Ace, Captain Jack and Rory and my favourite episodes are, the City of Death, Destiny of the Daleks, Boom Town, smith and jones and the time of the doctor


Hi there. Welcome to the site.

Nice selection. And walways a pleasure to have another Eleven fan. I’ve just finished the Eleven & Valarie series from Big Finish. One of my favourite things they’ve done.

We have TV Club Audio Club Book Club and Comic Club. They’re good places to jump into and give your spicy opinions :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If there is anything you want to know about in the site or forum, feel free to ask, and we will point you in the right direction.

I hope you enjoy your stay.


Hi and welcome to TardisGuide. Got to love parents showing their kids Doctor Who. My mother was who got me started into this fascinating world called Doctor Who. My youngest I had hope she would be a fan but got out of it. Will say she will watch the new ones with me but she has been put off so far :frowning: .


Hey, welcome to the forums!

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Welcome to the forums @Oz42 - great to have you here.


Hallo and welcome, enjoy your stay


Welcome! It’s good to have you here!


G’day my fellow Aussie Whovian

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