Hi, introduction time

Hello, my name is Lucas, a brazilian Doctor Who fan. I only started watching Doctor Who a few years back, at the end of 2019, so I am fairly recent fan. It has become my favorite show ever since then and I specially am interested in the expanded universe. Would like to be verified so I can write reviews sometimes.

I actually have a blog on Tumblr mostly publishing Doctor Who reviews, @lucascecil. Haven’t done much yet, but it’s slowly growing. I try to do it in both English and Portuguese.

Besides Doctor Who I am a huge comics reader. A Wonder Woman fan mainly, nowadays. I also try and keep up with some other series, specially animated, but I’ve been a little bit behind because of uni. Chemistry student and that may be why I kind o hate the Rani.


Welcome to the forum @NobodyNo-One - good to see another global fan and I think you might be our first one from Brazil. Look forward to chatting Doctor Who with you.


Hey, welcome to the forum!

Also a huge comic fan here, god the current Tom King Wonder Woman is so good.


Welcome. If you’re a comics fan, you’ll definitely need to check out the Comic Club (as well as the other three Clubs).


Hi there. Welcome to the site.

We have TV Club Audio Club Book Club and Comic Club. They’re good places to jump into and give your spicy opinions :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If there is anything you want to know about for the site or forum feel free to ask and we all will point you in the right direction.

I Hope you enjoy your stay.


Thank you!

Still waiting to see where the run is heading since Diana is still dealing with Sovereign, but Sampere’s art is gorgeous.

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It is!

Also curious how they’re going to tie Trinity into the main story

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Thanks for the welcome!

There is a surprising amount of us brazilian fans, but we are not that vocal in global spaces. Hope that changes a little bit in the next years since the fandom has been growing and Doctor Who is receiving a bit more attention around here.


Thank you!

Gonna check it out later, comics needs more love - even more the Whovy ones.


Thank you, gonna check out the clubs later. Happy to see some some books and comics love since in my experience ir’s harder to find people that have read them :smile:.

Izzy and Eight comic strips are a blast, they need more attention!


Hi there and welcome!

It’s always fun to have people from around the world on the forum, so that adds different perspectives to our favourite franchise! I’m from Finland and we have people from the UK, the US, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands and many other places as well. I look forward to hearing about your thoughts and opinions as a Brazilian fan!

I’m also a nig comic book fan. Mostly a Marvel guy myself, but I’ve been reading more DC lately and enjoy their darker approach to things.


Opa Lucas, sempre bom ver uma outra alma brasileira)
(Hi Lucas, it’s already nice to see another Brazilian soul here)
I think only a few people here know that I’m Brazilian


Well we all know now :smiley:


I remember you
You were on Tiermaker

Yeah, I made some tier lists some time ago beause I couldn’t find anything as complete but it’s time I make new ones :laughing:

Eu gosto de dizer que somos poucos mas somos uma legião! Aos pouquinhos aparece mais de nós.

(I like to say we are few but a legion. Eventually there will be more of us.)

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Thank you! Honestly it’s funny because of course Doctor Who is a British series and therefore there is a lot of focus on British locations so I do think we have an inhenrently different perspective. Eveytime Brasil appears in a story it’s very… interesting… and very very weird.

I used to be a Marvel kid, huge X-Men fan. Only recently I jumped the fence to the other side - I’ve been reading some really cool comics since too.

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Já apareceu! :wave:
(There already is!)

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I do try to keep track of locations of stories but if I haven’t heard the story recently then I may have left it out.

Ideally I am going to eventually make a cool map for these.

Which Brazil stories am I missing?


By what I see here, (excluding comics), it’s only missing The Eye of the Jungle and The Valley of Death (since both stories have the setting the Amazon rainforest but we can’t be precise since 40% of the forest is outside of Brazil)