Hi! I'm Pezdizpenzer!

Hello everyone! :slight_smile:

I’m pezdizpenzer and I’m a almost 30 year old Whovian from germany. The first time I watched the show was when they aired series 1 on german TV, which was in early 2008. I haven’t stopped watching since then and have only fallen deeper into the rabbit hole. They initially aired only series one and two in germany (dubbed in german), which promptly led me to getting series 3 and 4 on DVD from the UK. That was probably the first time I watched something in english and I think Doctor Who has played a huge part in my interest in british television and british culture.

Some more things about myself: I study 3D animation and VFX and currently work on my Bachelor thesis. In my free time I like playing boardgames, hanging out with friends or going to the movies…though most of my free time is currently being spent in Baldurs Gate 3 tbh (damn what a great game that one is)

I’m incredibly thankful for tardis guide because it allows me to track my obsessive journey through the Whoniverse in a very organized and fun way and I love that we now have a forum where we can discuss the show we all love and where I can convince you all that 11 is the best Doctor and The God Complex is the greatest episode :nerd_face:

Looking forward to traveling through time and space with you all! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


oh man baldur’s gate what a game, so sad i haven’t been able to play it since like september, i started college and it’s been killing me
(love the username btw)

No convincing needed here - 11 is the best Doctor (at least for the modern series) - I love him. And The God Complex is a good episode althoough it wouldn’t quite be in my top 10.

I can’t pick a favourite but 11 is definitely high up on the list, and The God Complex is one I’ve rewatched loads of times, absolutely love it

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I wouldn’t even say it’s objectively the best but it’s definetely my favorite (or at least one of my favorites :sweat_smile: ). I just love the plot, the characters and the monster.

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