Hi all, I'm Shayleen!

Hi all, I am Shayleen!

Doctor Who has been my favourite thing in the world since I began watching it on its return in 2005. Lost interest duting the Capaldi years, but in the weeks before series 10 I discovered Big Finish and fell in love, and then began reading the wilderness year books and the expanded universe greatly deepened my love for Who.

Currently I am slowly reading through the VNA’s and EDA’s in order after having read a few, probably falling behind on Big Finish’s ever expanded catalogue, and am making steady progress through the DWM and Titan comics.

Outside of Who I love horror, some running, work in a lesbian bar, and just try to live my life as happy as I can day to day, usually a bit tired.



How far are you with the VNAs? We have just started reading them in order, in our Book Club - feel free to jump in and discuss ones you’ve already read.

Which are your favourites? And which Big Finish ranges have you tried?



@Shayleen welcome!

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Good evening!

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Welcome to the forum @Shayleen

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Hiya and Welcome to :tardis:Guide.

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Hey, welcome!!

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I did see and intend to engage in the book club! I’m half-way through Cat’s Cradle: Witch Mark at the moment. Out of these first seven books, Exodus and Revelation hace been the highlights, Revelation being the best. I’m looking forward to re-reading Love and War which i first read back in 2017 I believe.

I hace listened to so much Big Finish, not many ranges I haven’t touched tbh. Tough to pick highlights but I’d say Asking for a Friend from the fourth volume od New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield is one of my favourite characger studies of the Doctor, even if it is an alternate universe version, as well as one of my favourite stories.


Thank you everyone! x