Heya, I'm Balalyka

Name’s Balalyka, or Lyka for short. I’m a Dutch 28-year-old formerly lapsed DW fan (followed the revival series from 2005-2010, only briefly checked back in when Whittaker was starting out in the ensuing decade) who jumped back on board to watch the specials in the last few years of 13th’s tenure with friends.

For the past few months, I’ve been watching the classic series in release order (on the Loose Cannon reconstruction of episode 2 of The Crusade at the time of writing). As a secondary catch-up project, I’m also making my way through as much of the non-televised contemporary material out there as I can get my hands on, in a less strict but still broadly chronological sequence.

I’m also on the Tardis Wiki. Still a fledgling editor, but I hope to contribute more as I further immerse myself into the history of the series.


Welcome to the forum, @balalyka . Good to have you here.

Welcome! Which of the books have you read? Have you seen about our book club here?

Book Club

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I haven’t read any novels proper just yet, just The Dalek Book, Cadet Sweets’ Doctor Who and the Daleks, and a couple issues of TV Century 21.

For now, I think I’ll read at my own pace, but I might give the book club a go at some later point.

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Love it - you’re going deep!

In case you’re interested, many moons ago I reviewed those bonkers Cadet sweet cards for my blog:

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Welcome aboard, my dear fellow!