Hey there, I'm Frankie!

Hi! I’m Frankie (he/they) - I’m a 21 year old uni student from the UK.

I’ve been into Doctor Who since 2012 and am currently making my way slowly through Classic Who after watching NuWho several times over (currently on season 15). My favourite little corners of the Whoniverse are the Eighth Doctor (mainly audios although I’m hoping to start the books soon) and Torchwood.

I’m really enjoying TARDIS Guide so far. I’ve been tracking my ratings on a Spreadsheet for the last few years alongside appearances/timelines but this is definitely a far more fun way to track it too!

Looking forward to chatting Doctor Who with you all soon!


Welcome, great to have you here!

Let me know if there’s anything you’d like to see added to the site. We have BIG plans!

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Welcome to the forum - look forward to chatting about Doctor Who with you.

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