Hey everyone!

Hey everyone, I’m Charlie :). My pronouns are he/him, I’m 18 and I’m from the Netherlands.

I’ve been a fan of doctor who for about five years, but I’d forgotten how much I love the show until I watched the 60th anniversary specials, and now the obsession is back! I’m currently watching classic who for the first time and I’m really enjoying it so far.

I’ve been using the site for a while now but have been too socially anxious to post on the forum (when I remember it exists) so I’m hoping that posting an introduction will make it seem less scary. I am active in the discord sometimes though.

My favorite doctor is Nine and my favorite companions are Bill, Jack and Donna. Though this might change because I’m still watching classic who (and because we haven’t seen enough of Ruby Sunday yet, but I already adore her). I’m also a big fan of the master, especially War and Missy.


Hi @chachacharlie and welcome. I can understand being worried about posting etc. We’re pretty chill and can agreeable disagree.

yay! there are more of us.


Welcome. You’ll have to jump into the TV Club as you work through classic Who and take a look at the other clubs (book, audio, comic) for an excuse to dabble in other mediums. You can the club schedules using the schedule tag.


Hey welcome!!!

And god I really need to listen to more War Master

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The boxset Killing Time is brutally brilliant, but does require you to be familiar with the Master’s relationship with Jo and Nyssa.


Thank you! That’s good to know.

Haha always, she’s iconic.

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Thanks, I’ll have a look :slight_smile:

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I watched a fair bit of 5th when I was a kid, and currently on Jo’s first season of classic, so should be good!

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Personally I could figure most of it out from the context given in the story, though I might have enjoyed it more if I’d been familiar with them beforehand.


Welcome! The joy of forum posting is you can post a comment weeks later and that’s totally acceptable. Slowness and thinking time is something missing from so many modern internet sites!


Welcome to the forum! Trust me, as far as social media platforms go, forums are the lowest possible inducers, imo. This is what all the internet used to be like, can you believe? We’re happy to have you here :slight_smile:


Welcome! Good to meet you, don’t worry we are all chill here and very friendly :blush:


Hi, welcome! Another Dutchie in the wild! :raised_hands:
No worries about where to post what. I had the same stress when I joined a few days ago and found that everyone here is super chill and willing to help out. My stress over potential mistakes disappeared like snow for the sun!


Welcome to the forum @chachacharlie - good to have you here. We hope you feel comfortable here.


Lets go more Dutch people!

Welkom op het forum! Maak je geen zorgen, iedereen is heel aardig :wink:

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Welcome! Glad to have you here!

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