Hello, heres my introduction to prove how human i am

Hiii! i’m Owen! I’m probably not gonna be very active on the forums, but I thought it would still be nice to confirm I am not a bot (human i swear). Live on Earth, Europe, Netherlands, not Amsterdam. All the homies hate Amsterdam. Here my totally human introduction. I guess ill tell a little about how i got into this weird british show.
I’ve always kinda known the image of a guy in a time traveling blue british policebox, but I only became an actual fan pretty recently. In an utterly silly way too. Somewhat 2 years ago Youtube recommend a meme of a scene from Morbius with Matt Smith dancing that combined it with a scene from Doctor Who. I was like oh yeah Doctor Who i’ve heard of that that’s a thing that exists, so i ended up Googling it to finally read what it was about more precisely. I then ended up spending an unhealthy amount of time reading Wikipedia and watching clips on yt. A few months later I watched 2 and a half episodes from Eccleston’s doctor, turned it off because my mother said the unquiet dead was too scary, then didn’t touch the series for a while. Until the 60th anniversary episodes came around. ‘Cause that seemed like a good point to get into it. Watched those, was good fun, then January of this year i picked up where i left NuWho last time. Since then I actually started my obsession lol. Currently the next episode is Blink so im scared. If family of blood was already this good then what enlightenment will this episode bring me???
Even more recently i started listening to Big Finish too and I really love it so yeah thats cool.
Oh and my first experience with Doctor Who is probably Lego Dimensions, although i didn’t know that back then ahhaha


Welcome! I hope you enjoy Blink! It’s a great one :smile:

Stick around on the forums, there are some lovely people here!

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Thank you! And maybe I’ll pop up on some topics if I feel like I can add something to the discussion.

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We’ve got lots of options. The main ones are the Book Club, Audio Club and TV Club. There are also comic discussions, favorite companion and story polls. Lots of options, or you can create your own.

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Welcome to forum @Owen - do stick around for the many discussions. We’re all lovely, honest :slight_smile:

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