Hello everyone! Late introduction

Hello everyone! I’ve been on here for a few months and realized I never introduced myself! So here goes:

I’ve been watching Doctor Who since I was 4! Started with the 2005 series as it aired. As I got older, I became interested in Classic Who, dipping my toes in with Robot, The Ark in Space, and the Mind Robber. When COVID hit, I delved right into Pertwee’s era with Season 7 and have watched most of the color era. For black and white, I’ve mainly seen half of season 1& 2, and a handful of Troughton’s best.

In the last few years, I’ve been delving more into Big Finish and some books. I’m currently in the 8th doctor’s Divergent Universe arc (next up is Twilight Kingdom) and been meaning to get around to reading more again…

Looking forward to more discussions with all of you!


Well, hello there, welcome, and hope you’ve enjoyed your first months here!


Belated welcome! Good to have you here :blush:


An official welcome to the forum @sedepliss .


I’m new here too, but I’ve already been made to feel so welcome. I hope you’ll love it.


Welcome to the forum! Hearing that you were four when Rose aired is giving me the delightful but strange feeling that Classic Who fans probably used to get. Love that you’re smack bang in the middle of Divergent Arc right now - it’s extremely divisive, would love to hear your thoughts!