A place people might want to use to share tips or get advice on general health & wellbeing. Baring in mind that none of us are, as far as I am aware, professionals in this area. So I would suggest seeking help from official accredited services for professional advice.
I was on a webiner by Dr Sophie Bostock earlier this week. Some interesting info & advice.
UK only but a helpful resource.
That’s a great video!
I try to do as much walking as I can, it helps that I have a treadmill in my garage for those rainy days, and I often combine it with listening to an audio story so I don’t get bored 
Walking is underrated. I’ll also listen to BF or a podcast.
As I work from home 90% of the time I use walking before & after work as a mini-commute. Especially after so I can switch off my work brain.
Fun fact: my father considers himself a gentleman walker and he has published a book about walking and its different positive effects on physical and mental health. He loves walking in nature while admiring the beauty of his surroundings. He would never listen to something while walking because he thinks it’s more important to listen to the sounds of nature and traffic around you.
I agree that listening to the sounds while walking is beneficial but if I had to walk like that then I probably wouldn’t do it as much.
Listening to an audio story is a huge motivation to get me walking, so I see it as a bit of a compromise there!
Yes, I agree actually! My father turns 60 this year and has never gotten into the habit of listening to stuff with headphones (and he mostly still listens to music by putting on a CD!) so I totally understand where he is coming from.
But I believe that whatever works for you is the way to go.
I walk to and from work as its only a 25 minute walk or thereabouts. I’d get a lot less BF listened to if I didn’t. I like to think it keeps me a little healthier because I do sod all other exercise!