Tom is 91 today! Lets celebrate!
Happy birthday, Tom!
Happy Birthday to the Tom Baker!
Happy birthday Tom Baker. It’s also currently during the 50th anniversary of his first season. To celebrate, here’s my ranking of his TV serials (bottom to top):
The Horns of Nimon
Destiny of the Daleks
The Creature from the Pit
Revenge of the Cybermen
The Power of Kroll
The Invisible Enemy
The Invasion of Time
The Android Invasion
Planet of Evil
The Sontaran Experiment
Nightmare of Eden
The Armageddon Factor
The Androids of Tara
The Leisure Hive
The Hand of Fear
Warriors’ Gate
Full Circle
The Keeper of Traken
The Pirate Planet
The Stones of Blood
The Masque of Mandragora
The Sun Makers
The Brain of Morbius
The Face of Evil
Image of the Fendahl
State of Decay
Terror of the Zygons
The Talons of Weng-Chiang
Horror of Fang Rock
The Ribos Operation
The Ark In Space
The Seeds of Doom
The Deadly Assassin
The Robots of Death
Pyramids of Mars
Genesis of the Daleks
City of Death
Happy Birthday, Tom!
A Who legend among us, ageing like fine wine!
Such an honour to breathe the same air as you!
I know you’re lurking in the shadows, reading this so I’ll just say this:
Thank you, Tom!
Happy birthday, Tom Baker!
Happy birthday to Tom Baker
Also I would like to say that I disagree passionately with your ranking because horns of nimon and destiny of the daleks do not deserve to be that far down, but I am not in the headspace to come up with my own ranking rn
Happy birthday to Tom!!! (I really need to watch more of his era)
I stand by what I said, and give them 1/10 and 3/10 respectively. But I’m not here to slag off any of Tom’s stuff on his birthday. So we’ll leave it as I like the 39 above them more.
I think one can tell how much I really like Hinchcliffe era Tom Baker serials compared to Graham Williams era Tom Baker serials. But Tom himself is always a delight, no matter what I may think of his three producers.
Happy birthday to Tom Baker! The Pirate Planet is my favourite episode with him, if anyone is interested
Happy birthday Tom Baker! Currently watching season 13 for my first time classic who watch through and I’m enjoying his Doctor a lot!
I believe Tom may outlive us all. If not physically, then in audio form. His work for BF will continue to be published years after the last forum member has passed.
When all of Tom Baker’s audios end, then one second of eternity will have passed.
Cygnus Alpha? But the other Baker was in Blake’s 7!