Guided Walks


I’m David. The first Doctor Who episode in 1963 went out on the day of my 5th Birthday. I have been hooked ever since. I now do Doctor Who themed Walking tours in London. One in Waterloo and one in Kennington which visits the Brandon Estate where many of the Rose Tyler episodes were filmed.



Those tours sound super fun, will have to have a look next time I’m in london!

Welcome! I just got back from London, was there for my birthday - I did the A Dalek Awakens escape room, but would have loved to also do a guided walk had I known about it!

I’d definitely check it out sometime. Do you have a website or anything?

Welcome. Next time I am in London I would love to do a tour with you!

Welcome to the forum David! Your tours are definitely something my eldest and I would do. We live just outside London and didn’t know they existed!