A little late, but I suspect the day and time will be varying a bit. I’ve got 5 hundred… er, 5 screenshots for you to look at and try to guess the episode, plus a number of bonus ones. If you haven’t gotten it in 5, feel free to keep going, and I usually have some fun bonus screenshots anyways.
This will not include anything from new/modern Doctor Who.
The Answer is going to be The Invasion of Time this time around! So many screenshots, and Firefox crashed a dozen into this post. Fortunately, the draft autosaved…
I do have to wonder sometimes if I should bump up how many screenshots are considered to be in the base set of guesses instead of the bonuses. With as many as I take, 10 instead of 5 might not be a bad idea…
Yeah, K9 was pretty banged up by now, but then, he gets a new revision at the end of the serial. And a bit, yeah. Tom was offering everyone a jelly baby this time around…
Took me until Bonus 5, I’d know Andred’s pose anywhere. I really should rewatch this one, I’m interested to see how gallifrey has changed my opinion of it
I’ll admit, Andred was someone I did rather think people would recognise, which is why he wasn’t there until the bonuses, though I was thinking not showing anything but his legs, I might get away with it…
Well, I did know when I decided I was going to post 5 pictures of K9 that it’d end up being a bit of a tough one. And the first few bonuses have a lot of the ones I would have chosen if I hadn’t gone with K9…
Got it in two. After the first one I was sure it was K9 in a location shoot since it looked like film, so that narrowed it down a lot. I thought Pirate Planet because I didn’t recognize anything that blue from Invasion of Time. Second picture, “nope, Invasion of Time was right.”