Because my brain is incapable of being Normal about media and I made the mistake of watching the first live action sonic movie two months ago, I am currently in the midst of Hedgehog Hyperfixation Hell™ and have unfortunately all but abandoned my marathon through the Whoniverse (hence my recent absence on the forum). I’m sure once this current obsession fades i’ll be back in Dr Whomst Hell™, but for now, here’s a thread about it so I and other Sonic fans can talk about The Blue Blur™ (and friends).
Sonic was my big special interest for a couple years before it faded back a bit and then Doctor Who took over. Tails and Amy are my favorite characters, and my favorite games are 3+Knuckles, Colors, and Frontiers
Where’s the best place to start with Sonic?
Do you want to play the games? Sonic Mania is probably the best if you like 2D platformers.
I’d like to try out all the media, but definitely including the games.
I’ll check out Sonic Mania, thanks!
Been playing a lot of Sonic X Shadow generations recently, Sonic is a big interest of my friends so I’ll admit I had to get her help with a couple of the boss fights but it’s a really fun game
I got in through the live action movies, though their lore is very different to the games but are great in their own right.
Here’s a good guide I found on reddit (mostly game-focused)
I’ll elaborate a bit more on the TV shows, since the linked post doesn’t say much and i’m more familiar with them compared to the games atm. All of them have their own continuity etc and aren’t connected to the games. The first 4 are all available to watch on youtube afaik.
- Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog (1993): typical light hearted cartoon for young kids following the adventures of Sonic and Tails
- Sonic the Hedgehog/SatAM (1993-94): Set in a dystopian world where Eggman won, with Sonic and his fellow freedom fighters battling against the Eggman Empire.
- Sonic Underground (1999): similar to SatAM with Eggman taking over, except this time Sonic has two siblings and they are the children of the queen Eggman overthrew and also they save the day with the power of musicals.
- Sonic X (2003-06): Anime where Team Sonic and Eggman are isekai’d to Earth. Mostly does its own thing in s1 and 3. Season 2 more closely follows the plots of the Sonic Adventures 1 & 2 games.
- Sonic Boom (2014-17): basically a sitcom with the Sonic characters. Far funnier than it has any right to be
- Sonic Prime (2022-24): most recent iteration, does its own thing exploring multiple alternate worlds and versions of the characters.
I personally have watched all of Sonic Prime and am currently making my way through X and Boom. Also watching cutscene compilations of the games on youtube and spending far too much time on the sonic wiki.
Honestly I love the live action movies!! Asides from like, I think the Mario/Sonic olympic games I played as a kid I knew nothing going into them and I really love the movies so much. Stone and Ivo
I had no idea there was a modern fandom around Sonic.
I used to have a Sega Mega Drive (Genesis) growing up and I played all the Sonic games, absolutely loved them. Sonic 3 & Knuckles, with the “lock-on technology” that allowed you to mix it with other games, was absolutely amazing.
My Dad used to bring home this paper from a printer or fax machine or something, it was huge (A3?) and had tear-off edges. I would draw my designs for new Sonic levels on them. That started my ambition to be a games designer lol (which ultimately turned into a being a web developer).
I used to get Sonic the Comic, I was obsessed with that. I had the Beano, the Dandy, and Sonic the Comic
Then I used to write and draw my own Sonic stories, I have photos here because I found these books a while back in my parents’ attic:
(Yes I mostly copied the images out of the comics and then wrote my own take on the stories haha)
So yeah I was a bit obsessed back then. But since then, every once in a while I’ll fire up an emulator and play the original Sonic games (I even have them in VR), I’ll complain about how there hasn’t been a decent new game in ages (even Sonic Mania hasn’t really scratched that itch for me, but I think I need to play it more).
I’ve seen the first live action movie but not the others, I might actually watch “2” soon because it’s on the plane when I go back home.
I’ve never really watched the cartoons. To be honest it would annoy me how much the lore changes, there’s never been a fixed lore around Sonic and even the comic would contradict itself. That bugs me a lot haha.
That’s my little Sonic story
How old were you when you wrote those comics? Because, speaking professionally, I’m very impressed by your art and writing.
He did them last year
Just came across this post on Bluesky:
The first one doesn’t have a date on it, but based on the second one being 1995, I’d say the first one is 1994. So I was 9.
Thank you but as I said the art was mostly just copied from the comics lol
Well, you spelling and handwriting is very good young man. Obviously you were liked by your teachers at school.
Were you his teacher?
I don’t think Shauny would have made it through school with Delta as his teacher… he’d be too scared to use Delta’s teachings to write and draw Sonic!
I was still in university in 95 and three years away from teaching so you can sod off.
Almost right then
That depends all on you, while I am by no means an Expert of Sonic, there are a few Places you could start…
The Original Sonic - Obviously you could always start with the first Game, it might be a bit hard for you to get a physical Copy of the Original, considering it was released on a Sega Console, but it’s a lot of fun. It’s the classic Sonic in all of its 2D Charm. I do not recommend this first Entry, if you want to play 2D Classic Sonic, then places like the 2, 3 & Knuckles and ESPECIALLY Mania could be the Place for you. I am not quite familiar which releases got Remastereds, but be careful if you see any of those, those can be quite a bit varrying in their Quality.
As for the 3D Sonics there are quite a few Places you could start, such as the Adventures Titles, although you probably wanna do Adventure 1 first. Maybe even Unleased if you feel like doing something more out-there (I at least enjoy it). Generations is also a good Starting Point, but I do recommend it more for bigger fans honestly, since it’s very much an Anniversary Release.
As for Movies, there aren’t too many Places for you to start besides well the Film Trilogy, it’s a good Starting Point since 2 and 3 do test your Interest for the Franchise in quite fun Ways. Obviously their lore is very different where they pick and choose what they adapt or take.
There is a lot more to Sonic in the TV World, as Daximili pointed out. There I will just say it depends if you want something more comedic (Adventures, Boom) or something with more teeths (SatAM).
Can’t forget the Comics? There are like two Major Runs, that being the Archie and the IDW. One of which has a long History of overcomplicated Plots (as usual with Comics) and some legal Battles, which is its own total Iceberg really. If you want to do any of those start with IDW Run, even has one of the Guys writing for it, who also did some Script work for the recent Games!
Keep in mind that most of those are their own worlds with their own Lores. Some do connect like tie-in material to certain Cartoons, but some don’t. It’s probably even messier than Doctor Who is I am being honest, but if you are ready, you may take your first step into this fairly overcomplicated world about a blue hedgehog!
Anyway hope this could help! I think I covered most of the heavy hitters Points with the Franchise. Depending on if you enjoy Games, try one of the 3D ones, they are a good Starting Point. But really pick anything up that interests you! I highly recommend maybe reading on your own certain Starting Points if you decide to go with the Comics!