No. But I created this account on my laptop, then switched to my phone and when I refreshed my laptop, it gave me the option of clicking off those stories.
Ahhhh, you’ve actually found a bug for my most recent update, the code preventing people from completing future stories was missing
I’m going to give you a Beta Tester badge, for your efforts lol.
Ironic given that Peter Capaldi played Cardinal Richelieu in the BBC adaptation.
Jon Pertwee had the perfect description of his own Doctor:
“I suppose on reflection my Doctor was a kind of science fiction James Bond with a touch of the Renaissance Man. I was also a protective Doctor - my cloak was a bit symbolic of the mother hen!”
Finally found this 8th’s theme now I can’t stop listening! I haven’t listened to The Light at the End tho. Are there any prerequisites?
I saw an article on that and apparently he had some news voiceover in Fear Her.
Yes it’s gone. I can’t recall if the person in question appeared in the episode or it was just his voice.
I’d say no, not really. If you know 8 travels with someone called Charley that’s all you need to know.
It’s not like Once and Future where you are kind of lost if you are not up to speed with Big Finish’s original characters
I don’t know what he is accused of but it feels wrong to remove a whole episode because of who made a small voiceover.
The article I read said he took indecent pictures of minors.
I saw somewhere that they’re going to dub it over with a new actor, then put it back
I think this is what will happen. I don’t want to go into the specifics of what he did but as Dr. Who is a family show I think it is the correct decision & just an interim one.
Currently at Bill Bailey at the Scarborough OAT. He hasn’t come on yet, but they had two support acts. TWO!
That seems so excessive!
Then again, it’s Fear Her, so we aren’t really missing something with that removal, right?
I’m kidding of course!
cough Physical media cough
(But no I absolutely would not miss it, come to that I wouldn’t miss most of series 2…)
The question is when you start removing episodes, where do you stop, though? I mean, with the recent allegations about Neil Gaiman, we could remove the Doctor’s Wife and Nightmare in Silver. Then, we know Gareth Roberts is transphobic. How about removing The Shakespeare Code, The Unicorn and the Wasp, The Lodger, Closing Time, the Caretaker, and Planet of the Dead?
Then we can get along with removing all the episodes with Noel Clarke and John Barrowman…
I just could see things snowballing, and there were a lot of other people that worked on these episodes whose work shouldn’t be cancelled as well.
Now you are just silly!
Its why I liked what Warner Bros did with the Looney Tunes DVDs.
She explains that the cartoons are products of their time and contain racial and ethnic stereotypes that “were wrong then and they are wrong today”, but the cartoons are presented on the DVD uncut and uncensored because “editing them would be the same as denying that the stereotypes existed.”