Those are licensed, not fan fic.
Really the general rule of thumb is if it has a TARDIS Wiki page then it’s fair game, because those are checked by a team
And yes the sock puppets are on the official Blu-Rays!
Those are licensed, not fan fic.
Really the general rule of thumb is if it has a TARDIS Wiki page then it’s fair game, because those are checked by a team
And yes the sock puppets are on the official Blu-Rays!
13 at launch I’m pretty sure.
Ok I’ll make a variation. More work lol
People keep doing this. Must take them forever!!
I could exclude them from ratings but 1 person isn’t going to make much difference really, especially if they give everything the same…
Should I make a rule against doing that? How can it be verified!?
It would affect a lot of stories with less ratings, so better not count someone’s ratings if they rate everything the same in large quantity
Zadellin do not have TARDIS Wiki pages.
Not yet. But it’s all part of the Cheshire House.
Paging @ThetaSigmaEarChef to explain!
I just do what I’m told
(See, its not an autocracy lol)
Yes this is true.
Need to think about some rules against doing this how could I word it?!
I agree with this being quite annoying for stories that have next to no ratings, with those I really like to look at every single rating (in the distribution) to give me a picture of what people think, and whether I should buy something for example. I don’t care if someone does it with tv stories though, since those have so many ratings it really doesn’t matter.
It’s really quite hard to word it though, because what’s spam tends to be relatively easy to spot but hard to describe. Some first ideas might be to limit how many stories can be rated the same in a short time, but that limit would have to be quite high in order to account for people filling out backlog, or maybe asking people to use at least three different ratings or something?
Hi! Yeah, it’s a very new and very fringe series - it is coverable and will be on the wiki, it just takes time - it’s not like with direct spin-offs like, say, Torchwood, where as soon as an episode comes out, the thousands of wiki editors watching will be scrambling to make the page! Oh, if only…
Having read the rest of the relevant part of the thread, I thought it might also be helpful to explain the way The Cheshire House series’ ‘Zadellin’, ‘The Castaways of Ishiok’, and ‘The Interstellar Sleuth’ are legally connected to the Whoniverse: all three series started in an anthology called ‘The Book of the Snowstorm’, which is an installment in the series ‘Coloth’, about the character ‘Coloth’ from the Short Trips story, ‘War Crimes’. Coloth was licensed from Simon Butcher-Jones, who wrote ‘War Crimes’, so it is all legally licensed and not fanfic! The Cheshire House is a short story platform set up to house the series that spun off from this anthology, as well as occasionally other stories…
You can find all relevant licensing information on the copyright page if you are interested (well, copyright pages - there were a lot of stories by a lot of different people, so, a lot of copyright information!) inside ‘The Book of the Snowstorm’ - I just checked, and the copyright pages are viewable for free on Amazon using the ‘read sample’ button (
Also, about the other links you raised, while I cannot speak to the Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppets, I do know that ‘A Stitch in Time’ is part of a BBC game (or at least, a game the BBC paid some other company to create), so is nearly as far from fanfic as one can get when it comes to Doctor Who!
We need new blood in Doctor Who so bad . I want creative people who aren’t going to just insert their fan theories that have been around for 40+ years. Being in charge of colorizing a Doctor Who sounds like such a creatively rewarding process and hes using it to do this!
I may have just spent money that I don’t really have on a new Guitar. This is what back to back 16-hour shifts do to my brain. I have too many already.
We did the one for my birthday in 2023. It was a lot of fun. We finished with something like 23 seconds left.
The Daleks at 20 seconds are SO CUTE !!!
I saw this and thought of @shauny .
For any Jonathan Bailey fans out there…
How?! I hardly post anything! Must be the TG promo posts I liked/reposted
Sorry, I should have been clearer - it’s a post about wugs which reminded me of you!
Ah that makes a lot more sense! (I didn’t have VPN on in the noon so I didn’t check your link )
I don’t have anything in particular set to do today, so I decided to tackle my GPU problem again, starting with cracking open my computer and it giving the first good dusting it’s ever had. I have a techie friend on call who will attempt to walk me through it, as I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing.