First Doctor Era

Guerrier is an amazing writer for the First Doctor.

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Here’s an excellent video from Youtube documentary creator Clever Dick Films:

I think Barbara is my favorite companion and that the team of Susan/Ian/Barbara is probably the strongest, though I really enjoy the Steven/Vicki pairing also. I would love it Titan did some ongoing comic runs with either of these teams.


I think the First Doctor gets the short end of the stick sometimes. His era is partially missing, it’s in black-and-black, and his portrayal is so different from modern Doctors. I might be wrong, but I feel like Hartnell is the era that modern era fans are the least likely to seek out. That said, it’s probably one of eras with the most diversity of storytelling and one of the eras where you can see the most evolution in the Doctor’s character from start to finish.


A Titan Comics ongoing First Doctor series penned by Simon Guerrier would be amazing. You could have a year with Ian/Barbara/Susan set between Seasons 1&2. You could have a year with Steven/Vicki set after Galaxy 4. You could have a year with Steven/Sara or a year with Steven/Dodo.


I’ve only recently started watching the classic era and haven’t seen a whole lot but from what little I’ve seen of the First Doctor’s era on TV I don’t think it’s that good. I don’t mind the Doctor himself but I have a huge problem with Susan. Her ‘damsel in distress’ is something I can’t stand. Barbara and Ian are okay and their introduction is done well. I haven’t seen anything past Barbara, Ian and Susan in his era so it’s probably not what you’re looking for but thought I would give my current opinions on it. My opinion of his era might change once I watch more but right now I don’t like it that much.


I definitely agree that Susan was underserved in the show. The potential that was hinted at in An Unearthly Child was never capitalized on except for a bit in The Sensorites.


See, we differ here. I enjoy Bradley’s take, but as an alternative First Doctor. By way of comparison, however, I adore Noonan’s performance. He embodies the spirit of Hartnell’s performance so well. I find myself smiling a lot when I listen to Noonan’s First Doctor.



Trust me, this is a common sentiment among the fans. I feel very similarly about Susan. She wasn’t treated very well by the scripts she was given, which is partly the reason why Carole Ann Ford decided to leave the show. I believe the Hartnell era improves later on with his other companions, especially Steven, Ben and Polly.


I hope so. I’ve seen a bit of Polly and Ben in the Second Doctor’s era and enjoyed them so it’ll be fun to see their appearances in the First Doctor’s era.


Ben and Polly are hugely underrated but that’s mainly a symptom of them only having 1 full existing story and even that’s their debut.