Filtering Stories

Apologies if I am being silly - but is there a way of filtering stories to see all of those which do NOT feature The Doctor? I can see that there are 4624 stories that do feature them, but I would like a way to view the 2369 stories that supposedly do not. Any help would be appreciated <3


This isn’t possible on the site rn, @shauny tried it a while ago but there were some issues with it and I believe it slowed the site down a lot? So it wasn’t kept


Thanks Jae, and thanks @hallieday for asking. I’ve had the same question myself, but never posted it. I’ve wondered several times, in fact.


Hi, there isn’t currently a filter like this, no.

@Jae is right that I tried adding reverse filters for every companion but that was a LOT of data to all (it basically had to log whether or not every companion was in every story… hundreds of thousands more entries).

But just “any doctor” is a much simpler calculation so it’s possible I could add a page that just show stories without the Doctor. It wouldn’t be a general purpose filter. Would people want that? Is that useful?


I’d like that, I think it could be quite helpful in finding stories for companions outside of their travels for example, something I always think is very cool to learn about


I think adding just a ‘no doctor’ to the doctors filter could be a good way of doing it?


That’s a little more complicated than it sounds :blush:


That’s absolutely fair, right after sending the message I realised that because it probably sounded easy in theory, it would be a nightmare to implement lmao

Things that sound simple are always the hardest


Thank you @Jae , and yes @shauny this would be a wonderful compromise if you would be willing to do the hard work for it. Personally it is the only type of reverse filter I would find myself requiring, as I’d really like to delve into side-stories alongside my main Eyespider-led go-through of The Doctor’s stories.