Favourite Series 1 Episode

What’s everyone’s favorite Series 1 episode or episodes? I’m breaking the New Series down by episode rather than by story because sometimes one part of a two-parter is much better than the other and with three-parters it’s usually a bit more ambiguous as to whether one counts as two stories, one story or something else. Remember, you can vote for more than one.

  • Rose
  • The End of the World
  • The Unquiet Dead
  • Aliens of London
  • World War Three
  • Dalek
  • The Long Game
  • Father’s Day
  • The Empty Child
  • The Doctor Dances
  • Boom Town
  • Bad Wolf
  • The Parting of the Ways
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I find myself feeling like The Unquiet Dead isn’t really getting enough love over here. :stuck_out_tongue:

Both Charles Dickens and Gweneth were played really well in this episode…


I was always rather underwhelmed by The Unquiet Dead but when I rewatched it for my marathon, I finally warmed to it more and found lots I really liked. In fact, I’m going to adjust my votes above.

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Admittedly, I’m not sure if I liked it as much on my first watch, but season 1 is my most rewatched season of New Who, and it definitely seems to benefit from a rewatch.

I do overall think this was a great season, too. Really wish we’d gotten more of 9…


I find it interesting if predictable that the Slitheen two-parter and The Long Game are nobody’s favorites. Maybe that will change after the TV Club hits those stories.

Great Series of the Revival! Even its worst one (that being the long game) is still pretty decent! Highlights for me are easily: Dalek, Empty Child/Doctor Dances, Parting of the Ways and Farther’s Day. I even must confess that even in hindsight and after aging quite a bit, I still enjoy Bad Wolf a lot. Maybe it’s just the charm but i don’t know, I still enjoy it, even if not as good as its second half!


It always saddens me how absolutely slept on Father’s Day is. That is a top ten episode of the show for me.


In context, it’s a great episode, but only works if you watch the preceding ones. It’s not one I’d go back and watch as a standalone episode.


No one voted for The Long Game. It’ll be very interesting to see the TV Club for that in a couple weeks.


Apparently no one else likes the Slitheen Episodes
Maybe I should mention this in the controversial opinions thread

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@deltaandthebannermen made a thread about the Slitheen: