Favourite Season 7 Story

What’s everyone’s favorite Season 7 story or stories? Remember, you can vote for more than one.

  • Spearhead from Space
  • Doctor Who and the Silurians
  • The Ambassadors of Death
  • Inferno
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With Ambassadors of Death and Doctor Who and the Silurians, they are good stories, but ones I don’t really remember that well, so I have trouble calling them favorites.

Though Silurians had that moment with the Doctor with Liz by Bessie when the Brig blows up the base… if I remembered the overall story better, I probably would’ve voted for it too.

Spearhead in Space is kinda the definitive first story for a Doctor. It does a great job of setting up UNIT and our whole UNIT family, has the Doctor on the run in a wheelchair, sets up the 3rd Doctor well, and is a great story in general. Rose obviously took some inspiration.

In Inferno, the Earth actually gets destroyed, along with parallel dimensions, which I tend to be a fan of, and the evil universe!Brig in an eyepatch. Top notch stuff.


I’ve just recently watched all four stories. They’re all good, but I do feel that Silurians is the weakest of the lot. It’s still good and has some good ideas, but seven parts is too long for a Doctor Who story.


Yeah, admittedly, 7 parts is a little longer then I’d usually prefer.

In my case, the last time I watched these four episodes was probably at the start of watching the 3rd-7th Doctors in order, so it’s been a bit, though I could easily have rewatched Spearhead and Inferno since then…

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Just a reminder to our new members that there are lots of polls to check in the poll tag, including this one.

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I think Season 7 is probably the single strongest season of the entire show.


For me it is defnitely Inferno. Whle all the others are good, for me, Inferno has the better pacing, writing and acting.


All of them.
I love long stories, rarely do I get bored or say “This story was too long”, so having three Seven-Parters is a dream come true. And three very good ones at that! I of course understand that not everybody thinks that Way and that’s of course valid, after all there is a Reason why most of Classic (and its EU) is going with the 4-Parter Format. But I cannot stop praising this Season enough. All of those Stories are excellent and while of course not flawless, I do say it’s my favorite set of Stories in 3’s Era ever. Easily one of the best of the entire Show for me at least, (also it has Liz Shaw which gives it 10 bonus points)