Favourite Season 13 Story

What’s everyone’s favorite Season 13 story or stories? Remember, you can vote for more than one.

  • Terror of the Zygons
  • Planet of Evil
  • Pyramids of Mars
  • The Android Invasion
  • The Brain of Morbius
  • The Seeds of Doom
0 voters

What if I love them all though… Pyramids and Zygons top my list but this season rocks


Then vote for all of them. That is perfectly fine and acceptable. There were only two that I didn’t vote for, and that’s mostly because I don’t remember them well enough.


Such a strong season!

“Sacred Flame, Sacred Fire”

“It’ll be the end of everything you understand, even your pension!”

The Brig in a kilt!


I’d rank them

Brain of Morbius > Pyramids of Mars > Terror of the Zygons > Seeds of Doom > the other two (I haven’t watched them)


The Seeds of Doom is one of the only classic stories I rated 5/5. It was absolutely fantastic in every way.


A truly near perfect season, it is incredibly hard to pick one.

But I have to go with The Seeds of Doom, it’s genius.

My favourite film of all time is The Thing, and the first half of this story is literally just The Thing half a decade early.

  1. Pyramids of Mars (absolute perfection)
  2. The Seeds of Doom (also pretty perfect)
  3. Planet of Evil (excellent, and I think it gets better as it goes on)
  4. The Android Invasion (great fun!)
  5. The Brain of Morbius (solid)
  6. Terror of the Zygons (don’t care for it, I think it’s just kinda dull and doesn’t use the premise super well)

I like Pyramids a lot more these days but have never really understood the hype of it being an absolute classic. For me this season’s two best stories are its final two and then Season Fourteen, aside from Hand of Fear which is just fine, is a run of excellence.

Brain of Morbius through Horror of Fang Rock is, I think, an outstanding run. Happily, I’m in the middle of watching The Seeds of Doom on my marathon so happy as Larry right now.


A wonderful series, of course - but if I had to choose my personal favourite, it would be Seeds of Doom.

It is presented like a two-parter followed by a four-parter, so there is none of the lagging pace you sometimes get in six-part stories … and it’s terrifying! The horrifying scenes with Keeler, and the possibility that the same thing could happen to Sarah Jane is edge of the seat stuff.

Tom Baker is on fire here. His rage at Scorby shows he’s really, really not to be messed with. And he gets a killer line too - possibly one of his own - (to the civil servant character): “It’ll be the end of everything! Everything, you understand? Even your pension!”