Favourite Season 12 Story

What’s everyone’s favorite Season 12 story or stories? Remember, you can vote for more than one.

  • Robot
  • The Ark in Space
  • The Sontaran Experiment
  • Genesis of the Daleks
  • Revenge of the Cybermen
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one of my most controversial opinions is that Genesis is a vastly overrated episode… :see_no_evil: I just think it’s a little too long and boring, and the Doctor having a cool speech doesn’t make up for that :grimacing:


I’ll gladly admit that Genesis is too long, but then again, a lot of Classic Who feels too long. I’ll never understand how a story can feel too long and yet still feel like it has a rushed ending.


Oh I have long been of this opinion. It’s such a grey episode, literally and figuratively and whilst I can see the brilliance of the individual aspects - Davros, Nyder, the TARDIS team, the back drop of the war, that cliffhanger with Sarah falling - the whole is less than the sum of its parts.

It didn’t help my feelings about it that it was very over-exposed on TV in the 90s when it kept getting repeated.


I’m actually both of the opinion that Genesis is overrated, and that it’s really good. Basically, I think it’s great, but I don’t think it’s the best of Doctor Who, or even the best Tom Baker serial.

I will say, it’s not just the Doctor’s “Do I have the right” speech, though. I tend to feel this is Genesis at its best.

At its worst, it’s a bunch of running down corridors past giant clams.


Tom Baker’s first season was rather bad imo, with an average story that would be a better fit for the Pertwee era. And overall the outstanding stories (i.e. Genesis of the Daleks and The Ark in Space) are a minority, while the rest are incredibly average.


And in further contrast, I don’t think the speech is much of anything but I really love the rest of the story :laughing:

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Seems my so-called controversial opinion is in fact not so divisive! Nobody ask me what I think about many of the other episodes often hailed as ‘the Greatest Ever’ though :rofl:


Oh, this one is definitely the greatest…


This has traditionally been my favorite story in all of Who!

You see this is a difficult one because The Ark in Space and Genesis of the Daleks are both neck and neck for me but in terms of judging the TV stories alone, Genesis has the edge. Ultimately it comes down to choice in lighting, Genesis is full of dark greys, gloom, and shadows, it feels as dirty as the setting of the story, whilst Ark is way too overlit for the creepy, abandoned space station story it’s trying to tell.


Remember, you can vote for as many as you want on these Season Polls.

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Nah, the fun of choosing a favorite for me is forcing myself to pick one. I only go for the more than one route if I truely cannot decide.


Tom’s first Season, and a really great one at that! Revenge while obviously being the black sheep still has its charm (mainly because of our three leads). Not sure if I go the obvious route and call Genesis the best one. (I mean it’s amazing no doubts, but my personal favorite of this Season just might be Robot, not sure why, but it’s charming to see 4 in a 3 UNIT Story!) Great Season and Harry is such a good Addition, shame we didn’t got more with him!


Personally I don’t like Harry much. He was great in Robot but I think I would have liked him better had he stayed a would-be companion. Something about his later appearances really grates on me, not sure why.

I confess, season 12 really isn’t for me, so it’s definitely Robot. I think it goes a little off the rails once the K1 robot turns giant, but otherwise it feels like Tom Baker in a traditional Pertwee era adventure and it works for me.