What are your favorite stories in the fourth ten Main Range/Monthly Adventures from Big Finish? If you have thoughts, feel free to jump into the Audio Club and tell us about it. Remember, you can pick as many as you want.
The only one of these I’ve listened to is Embrace the Darkness, and while I thought it was pretty good I wouldn’t call it a favourite. As such I’m abstaining from voting for the moment.
Bringing this back up to the top of the list. With people asking about essential (or just plain good) Main Range releases, here’s a very boiled down snapshot of our thoughts on the fourth ten. Each story featured in the poll has its own Audio Club thread if you want to see our more detailed thoughts on it.
It looks like the top three are: Spare Parts (MR #34), Neverland (MR #33) and Jubilee (MR #40).