Who’s your favorite 8th Doctor companion from TV, Comics and Novels? Feel free to comment explanations for your choices, but you don’t have to. You can choose as many as you want. (I wanted to add audio companions to this, but apparently Polls have a limit of 20 options. Dang you, Eighth Doctor for having so many companions!)
- Grace Holloway
- Chang Lee
- Sam Jones (BBC EDA Novels)
- Fitz Kreiner (BBC EDA Novels)
- Compassion (BBC EDA Novels)
- Anji Kapoor (BBC EDA Novels)
- Trix MacMillan (BBC EDA Novels)
- Stacy Townsend (Radio Times Comics)
- Ssard (Radio Times Comics)
- Izzy Sinclair (DWM Comics)
- Kroton the Cyberman (DWM Comics)
- Fey Truscott-Sade (DWM Comics)
- Destrii (DWM Comics)
- Josie Day (Titan Comics)
- Cass Fermazzi (TV + Big Finish)
I haven’t read very many Eighth Doctor novels or comics. I like Sam and am not surprised she’s at the top. Mainly, because she’s rather prominant in the novels. Otherwise, it’s kinda interesting to see how this breaks down.
I have but its been a long time and I don’t remember them
Having read only two EDAs and zero Eighth Doctor comics, I don’t quite feel qualified to vote here, but I do love Chang Lee and I really liked Fitz & especially Anji in The City of the Dead, so I’m voting for them lol
Having only dabbled in the EDAs, is there a reason why nobody voted for Trix?
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My guess is that she becomes a companion so late and is so little known that very few people are even aware she exists, let alone have read a book featuring her
Just boosting this topic for our newer members, especially since we have more people delving into the EDAs.
Sam is really fun, even if she can be hit-and-miss depending on which EDA you read.
Fitz MY BELOVED. He’s great, I love him, the definitive EDA Companion basically.
Grace is lovely, I really enjoyed her on the TV Movie and I would have liked to see what they could have done with her at Big Finish, but oh well… as a one-off Companion, she’s great.
I love Anji! I don’t know how to properly articulate it, but she is GREAT. Her, Fitz and 8 are such a superb Tardis Team!
Chang Lee is okay, I like the Actor, the Character was nice as a one-off but don’t have any strong feelings about him really.
Izzy is enjoyable from what I read, even if I really DON’T like her BF Audio, it just makes her very inconsistent, but yeah enjoying her, even if I need to read more of her Comics.
Only encountered Compassion in one EDA Book so no proper Opinion on her so far, but I really like them.
Cass is enjoyable in both night, and the BF Audios, from which I only listen to her first Boxset so far at least. I like her, didn’t needed more of her, but I like her.
Destrii, I am still split on her. Love the concept behind her, but I am not sure she just doesn’t really work for me all that much, sadly(?)
Josie is fun. I like her, but she ranks fairly low for me.
Ssard and Stacy are okay. Not much to add with those two.
(Left a few out since my exposure to them is non-existing or too little to have any kind of Opinion.)
(Voted for Fitz, Anji and Grace)
Grace my love Grace <3
I also have love for the EDA companions I’ve encountered so far, though the quality with how they’re written can vary wildly. Sam is for sure my favourite plus her stories are some of the best in my opinion, but Compassion, Anji, and Fitz are also good
It’s criminal that Kroton only have 3 votes.
Didn’t vote for any EDAs companion yet because I only read Sam books so far, but I’m sure Fitz and Anji will become favorites in the future.
I hadn’t reached Trix the first time I saw this poll, but she’s very fun!