Favourite 5th Doctor Companions (Across All Mediums)

Who’s your favorite 5th Doctor companion? Note that this is from across all mediums and includes all TV companions and only multi-story companions from other mediums. Feel free to comment explanations for your choices, but you don’t have to. You can choose as many as you want.

  • Adric
  • Nyssa
  • Tegan Jovanka
  • Turlough
  • Kamelion
  • Peri Brown
  • Shayde (DWM Comics)
  • Maxwell Edison (DWM Comics)
  • Angus “Gus” Goodman (DWM Comics)
  • Thomas Brewster (Big Finish)
  • Hannah Bartholemew (Big Finish)
  • Erimem (Big Finish)
  • Amy/Abby (Big Finish)
  • Brooke (Big Finish)
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I voted for Adric to give the poor boy a break :joy:

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You can vote for more than one if you want.

I know I’m just not a huge fan of any of them really :sweat_smile:

I probably need to re-watch those seasons to appreciate them more.

Okay. That’s fair.

Peri is my favorite character of these but not with 5, so I’ll give a vote to the lesbians


I am both surprised and not surprised that Tegan is at the top of this.

Tyssa, always
(Honourable mention to Matt (Finish) (Boom-Boom) Waterhouse)

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