Favourite 2nd Doctor Companions (Across All Mediums)

Who’s your favorite 2nd Doctor companion? Note that this is from across all mediums and includes all TV companions and multi-story companions only from other mediums. Feel free to comment explanations for your choices, but you don’t have to. You can choose as many as you want.

  • Ben Jackson
  • Polly Wright
  • Jamie McCrimmon
  • Victoria Waterfield
  • Zoe Heriot
  • John Who (TV Comic)
  • Gillian Who (TV Comic)
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Jamie was always going to be at the top of this list


Well, that goes without saying, doesn’t it?

JAMIE: Well it’s simple isn’t it? All we’ve got to do is dig a tunnel through from here to the borehole and catch the seed device thing on it’s way down. Well, it was just an idea.
DOCTOR: But Jamie, it’s a brilliant idea! It’s so simple only you could have thought of it.
JAMIE: Oh. Eh?


If we’re doing quotes:

DOCTOR: You look very nice in that dress, Victoria.
VICTORIA: Thank you. Don’t you think it’s a bit–
DOCTOR: A bit short? Oh, I shouldn’t worry about that. Look at Jamie’s.


Jamie is the Doctor’s only real romantic partner and nothing anyone says will ever change my mind


I’m actually surprised the Zoe isn’t higher than she is.


Absolutely - Zoe rocks! And Wendy Padbury is lovely!


Agreed, Jamie and Zoe are my favorite TARDIS team


While I’ve watched several episodes with Zoe, they were all in between other things and I still have yet to watch Wheel in Space. First and Second Doctor’s are really the ones I’m the weakest on, since after trying to do a full classic rewatch, I ended up just watching all of the third through seventh doctors in order, then going back and filling in 1+2 gradually in no particular order…

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Two is my favourite classic Doctor (or right up there with Seven), and his Jamie/Zoe TARDIS team is my favourite TARDIS team (or right up there with Ten/Donna). I mean, there’s never been anyone like Jamie before or since, and the chemistry between Hines and Troughton definitely made the character even better. And then the way he contrasts the mathematical genius of the 21st century, that is, Zoe, is simply brilliant. Watching their exit in The War Games always breaks my heart(s).


And, as with the 1st Doctor poll, John and Gillian get no votes. :thinking:

Because they’re awful and, particularly in the Second Doctor’s comic strips, spend a lot of time waiting for the Doctor in the TARDIS.

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All the televised ones. Just all of them. But if I have to pick a favorite then it’s Zoe, she is just so much fun (and yes Jamie is a close call of course). Funnily enough this might be the first time of a Companion Poll where I can talk about any of them (I read a bit of Gillian and John with 2, and it was not very good, somewhat charming but ehhh there is a Reason why there are at 0%)