Favourite 2005+ Doctor?

I’d want to see Six paired with Julian Bashir, if only so I could watch the murder attempt after a single episode of Bashir annoying him.


New pool idea, which Doctor would dump Julian Bashir as companion the fastest?


I say Six or One (but only if he can manage to pilot the TARDIS back to DS9). Five is a close contender.


I mean, 9 sets the standard for dumping companions…


This poll is too hard, I need multiple choice :sweat:

My absolute favourites are:

10, 11, 12

I think 15 is fast becoming a favourite but I need to see more of him.

I flip between those three as my top favourites but I’ve gone with 10 because he was my first favourite Doctor and what gave me the biggest love for the show.

It’s like choosing a favourite child though.

Love seeing the support for 12 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


12 > 9 > 11 > 13 > 14 > 15 > 10

Not going to rank the insert Doctors, hard to do so fairly against the main ones.


My rankings change all the time but right now the order would be:

  1. 12 (one of my favourite characters, relatable, has great quotes and speeches, has new who’s best companions and stories, autistic icon, the best political messages, etc etc)
  2. 11 and 13 (I like them a lot as characters)
  3. 9 and 15 (they are fine)
  4. 10 (I find him annoying)

12 is my absolute favourite

9 is definitely the runner up

And then it gets a bit harder

I think for me, 14 is 10 but taking the best parts of his characterisation and leaving the worst, so I’ll put him next

War only gets a single story, but my god does he shine in it.

I think 10, 13, and 15 are probably on par for me, I quite like all of them. I have a feeling Ncuti’s going to move up a bit though as he gets more so he’s probably just above the other two

Fugitive hasn’t really been focused on enough to shine for me yet, I’m really excited to delving into her more on audio, but for now she’s bottom of the list.

Leaving 11 second to last. I understand why a lot of people like him, but he never really clicked for me, I think it’s all the Moffatisms that surround seasons 5-7. I do like some things with 11, A Town Called Mercy I think does a great job characteristing him for example. Also I do tell a slight lie when I say he never clicked for me, because the 7V audios are really making him work for me. I don’t know where I’d put him with those in mind though.

TL:DR: 12 >> 9 >> 14 > War > 15 >= 13 = 10 > 11 > Fugitive


10 - My absolute favourite
11 - Almost as good as ten
9 - My first Doctor
15 - Is fast becoming a favourite
13 - Like her more then 12 even if her stories are weaker.
12 - He is okay but too grumpy for me


10 is superb. And I’m always reminded of how amazing 11 is when I watch him. I’ve grown to really love 12 too. I’ll go with my 1st favorite: 10!


My biggest gripe with 10 is how not a good person he is, while being framed as if he is such a good person and hardly ever getting called out for how not good he is aside from a few instances. 12 of course has his moments of being equally bad, but he’s usually called out on it, oftentimes immediately, and it led to character growth. 10 sort of just gets away with it, and stays the way he his throughout. Compound that with how so many fans treat him as if he’s a god, or the only Doctor that matters, and I just have this general disdain for the tenth Doctor, even if he has some great episodes, even if Tennant played the part excellently.


I think that this could describe any Doctor. They all try to do good but often fail. I don’t see 10 doing this more than any other one. I would say that 12 is more of a bad person, especially to Clara and Danny, but gets away with that all the time. But I think that it is more about which Doctor you like and dislike than whether they get away with it or not.

I feel like that has not been the case for a while. The fandom has turned away from ten much more. If there is one Doctor that is universally praised within the fandom it is 12.


Yep, agree 100%. Although I also think Clara & 12 enable each others selfish behaviour.


I fully disagree that 12 ever gets away with it. Clara will always tell him what an idiot he’s being when he says something rude, Danny clapped back just as hard when 12 was an ass, all of that qualifies as not getting away with it.


Yes, but he keeps doing it.


Not sure if I’d say “selfish behaviour”, but 12 and Clara being too alike and too obsessed with each other was the whole point of their story, no?


I don’t think that matters as long as the episode is pointing out that it’s not right, and honestly, I think by series 9 he has stopped doing it.


I think that 12 may be a ruder person, but he certainly isn’t a worse one than 10. He treats Clara a lot better than 10 treats Martha, even in series 8. One of the reasons why I love 12 is that he usually does the best and kindest thing he can, but doesn’t waste time coming across as friendly. Whereas 10 is a worse person, but for his vanity he wants to be liked and so people perceive him as better than they do 12.


That’s a good way of putting it


I don’t see 10 as a bad person at all. I see him as someone that tries there best to do good but sometimes fails.

12 I think is just grumpy and rude for all his seasons even if it is worse in the beginning.