Love me some Brimmicombe-Wood. I’d be surprised if Kurtz gets any votes as he’s possibly one of the nastiest villains in the whole of Who! That Tennant lad sure has some range, doesn’t he?
I almost voted for Kurtz - but my issues with Colditz pushed it out. I also almost voted for Daft Jamie - people seem to hate that but I think it’s done pretty well.
Do we have anyone from Germany here in the forum? I’m really curious to know what one has to say about his accent in Colditz.
I definetely don’t like Daft Jamie. Don’t know if it’s accurate to the real person, if so I’m sorry, but honestly his performance felt a bit like a caricature.
You see I don’t think it did feel like a caricature. Yes it is probably not the best way of representing someone with a mental illness but I think it is done with some sensitivity and a good performance from Tennant which doesn’t feel like its mocking him (and yes, he is based on a real person). I have a whole paragraph in my review about Daft Jamie:
I may revalute it whenever I resliten to Medicinal Purposes, but his character was what made me not really like that story the first time around. I didn’t think it was necessarily insensitive or malicious, but didn’t work for me either.
I have similar but much milder feelings with how autism is depicted in The Curious Incident of the Doctor in the Night-Time, but I think the conversation is more complex regarding Michael’s character and I also think it’s much better written.