In my mind, the worst thing about Curse was that you had all this great casting playing the characters for such a short time. I’d actually love more adventures from any of these incarnations, and I’d love more of the Master from Curse as well.
Imagine, say, a full season of Rowan as the Doctor with Emma as a companion, fighting Jonathan’s Master…
Oh, definitely, and I still think it’s an odd coincidence that what would have been the thirteenth Doctor in Curse was female, and then the actual thirteenth Doctor in canon is also female.
(Of course, honestly, I would have loved Joanna Lumley as 13. I remember her in Sapphire and Steel…)
I must admit I am not the biggest Fan of Fatal Death, while it has some witty lines, I find some humor head scratching and not particular funny, but then again I am not big on most Comedic Movies or even Shows from the 90s.
As for the best Character: I think it’s Pryce, he could have genuinely been a great Master even if it wasn’t parody. And I think that’s the biggest Plus about him, he is comedic yet feels believable. Similarly, I can only echo that for Atkinson, which I know this might be a hot take, but if he was given the Chance to be the War Doctor, I think he could have killed it. He genuinely plays a great Incarnation of the Doctor with some brilliant comedic bits.
E. Grant was fun, but I prefer him as the Shalke Doctor.
Broadbent was okay, but mainly there for the joke of a clumsy 11th Doctor, who is bad at the romantic parts (hmm I wonder where I know this from…)
Lumely is inspired casting and does the best, but I think she gives some really weak Material at times, which is a shame, because she could have been great.
And well H. Grant as the Doctor is such obvious Casting I am glad they went for it, he is solid in the Part.
Not much Opinion on Emma, the Actress does a good Job, but I don’t have many Thoughts on her, besides she is good!