Entering the TARDIS

There have been so many great reactions from different people entering the relative dimensions of the TARDIS. Which are your favourites?
(This is people entering a TARDIS for the first time, so no reacting to a new interior decor - whether they like it or not :wink:, that can be a separate post).

These two are really up there for me:

Utter glee from Vinder at getting to experience a TARDIS when he thought they were mythical - that “What!” is pitch perfect

It is so beyond Benton’s comprehension that he just accepts it all at face value, the look on John Levene’s face just says it all.


“I had a mate who had one of these. I think his was a bit bigger, actually.”


Yeah that’s a good one. Dan Lewis very quickly became one of my favourite companions because of that humour of his - John Bishop is just great!


I feel like just about every aspect of Dan’s introduction in The Halloween Apocalypse is basically perfect. He’s so wholesome and funny and the way that he and Yaz instantly get along and play off each other is great.


I know it doesn’t really count, but I can’t not mention it

In all seriousness though, Rose’s is absolutely up there for me, the action straight into it, how worried she is vs the doctor’s nonchalant attitude.

Bill’s as well I also really like (posted up thread), but one that’s coming to mind at the moment is

I love that top down shot of Ruby going around the tardis on the outside before going back in


The Rose one was my first time experiencing the TARDIS so that one definitely have a special place in my heart :heart:

I like the Ruby one but I think it is slightly ruined by the editing when she spins around - that seems really clunky


Bill’s isn’t necessarily my favorite companion reaction (though it is funny and I love how long it takes her to realize it’s bigger on the inside) but is my favorite introduction of it from the Doctor for 2 reasons:

  1. The fact that he changes into his “doctor-y” coat before explaining it

  2. “You’re safe in here. You’re safe in here and you always will be.” hits me so hard every time when I remember that it’s being delivered to the first companion to be explicitly introduced as queer


I like how the Doctor seems to want to show off for her, I definitely like the line about being safe, and I also like how Bill’s mind works and the questions she has and such. They very deliberately set up a professor/student relationship between them, and that brings me back to Ace…


I love the one with Leela - also the scene when The Doctor tries to explain relative dimensions to her with the two boxes, “That’s silly”. They are so good together.

I once saw someone go off on Twitter about how Leela was forcing her way into the Doctor’s personal space and how if Graham had did the same with 13 that it would “trigger SJW feminists” (not my words!) - sometimes I just start wondering if people are all watching the same show as I am…


Yeah, the one with Leela was great, and I do very much like her taking the initiative and just running in after him. I also like that she was basically leaving behind basically running the place.

And they are great together. Leela’s also a very interesting character and not at all your average companion…


@JayPea beat me to it with Rose and also Ruby - the parallels of how they both enter, look shocked, leave, and circle the TARDIS to try to understand what’s going on, is brilliant. Love that RTD made such a parallel here.

Also +1 for Bill Potts.


I’m not sure I can pick a favourite but I have an enormous fondness for the SJA kids entering the TARDIS in Wedding of Sarah Jane