Elimination Game: Delete the Cybermen


  1. Copy the last post in the thread.
  2. Add 1 to your favourite story.
  3. Subtract 2 from your least favourite story.
  4. Bold your choices to make it easier for people to see the change.
  5. Be aware of cross-posting.
  6. 20 hours between each of your posts.

[5] The Tenth Planet
[5] The Moonbase
[5] The Tomb of the Cybermen
[5] The Wheel in Space
[5] The Invasion
[5] Revenge of the Cybermen
[5] Earthshock
[5] The Five Doctors
[5] Attack of the Cybermen
[5] Silver Nemesis
[5] Dimensions in Time
[5] Rise of the Cybermen
[5] The Age of Steel
[5] Army of Ghosts
[5] Doomsday
[5] The Next Doctor
[5] The Pandorica Opens
[5] A Good Man Goes to War
[5] Closing Time
[5] Nightmare in Silver
[5] The Time of the Doctor
[5] Dark Water
[5] Death in Heaven
[5] World Enough and Time
[5] The Doctor Falls
[5] The Haunting of Villa Diodati
[5] Ascension of the Cybermen
[5] The Timeless Children
[5] The Power of the Doctor
[5] Cyberwoman


[5] The Tenth Planet
[5] The Moonbase
[6] The Tomb of the Cybermen :point_up_2:
[5] The Wheel in Space
[5] The Invasion
[5] Revenge of the Cybermen
[5] Earthshock
[5] The Five Doctors
[5] Attack of the Cybermen
[5] Silver Nemesis
[5] Dimensions in Time
[5] Rise of the Cybermen
[5] The Age of Steel
[5] Army of Ghosts
[5] Doomsday
[5] The Next Doctor
[5] The Pandorica Opens
[5] A Good Man Goes to War
[3] Closing Time :point_down:
[5] Nightmare in Silver
[5] The Time of the Doctor
[5] Dark Water
[5] Death in Heaven
[5] World Enough and Time
[5] The Doctor Falls
[5] The Haunting of Villa Diodati
[5] Ascension of the Cybermen
[5] The Timeless Children
[5] The Power of the Doctor
[5] Cyberwoman

[5] The Tenth Planet
[5] The Moonbase
[6] The Tomb of the Cybermen
[5] The Wheel in Space
[5] The Invasion
[5] Revenge of the Cybermen
[5] Earthshock
[5] The Five Doctors
[5] Attack of the Cybermen
[5] Silver Nemesis
[5] Dimensions in Time
[5] Rise of the Cybermen
[5] The Age of Steel
[5] Army of Ghosts
[5] Doomsday
[5] The Next Doctor
[5] The Pandorica Opens
[5] A Good Man Goes to War
[3] Closing Time
[5] Nightmare in Silver
[5] The Time of the Doctor
[5] Dark Water
[5] Death in Heaven
[6] World Enough and Time
[5] The Doctor Falls
[5] The Haunting of Villa Diodati
[5] Ascension of the Cybermen
[5] The Timeless Children
[5] The Power of the Doctor
[3] Cyberwoman

[5] The Tenth Planet
[5] The Moonbase
[6] The Tomb of the Cybermen
[5] The Wheel in Space
[5] The Invasion
[5] Revenge of the Cybermen
[5] Earthshock
[5] The Five Doctors
[5] Attack of the Cybermen
[5] Silver Nemesis
[5] Dimensions in Time
[5] Rise of the Cybermen
[5] The Age of Steel
[5] Army of Ghosts
[5] Doomsday
[5] The Next Doctor
[5] The Pandorica Opens
[5] A Good Man Goes to War
[3] Closing Time
[5] Nightmare in Silver
[5] The Time of the Doctor
[5] Dark Water
[5] Death in Heaven
[6] World Enough and Time
[3] The Doctor Falls
[6] The Haunting of Villa Diodati
[5] Ascension of the Cybermen
[5] The Timeless Children
[5] The Power of the Doctor
[3] Cyberwoman

[5] The Tenth Planet
[5] The Moonbase
[6] The Tomb of the Cybermen
[5] The Wheel in Space
[5] The Invasion
[5] Revenge of the Cybermen
[5] Earthshock
[5] The Five Doctors
[5] Attack of the Cybermen
[5] Silver Nemesis
[5] Dimensions in Time
[5] Rise of the Cybermen
[5] The Age of Steel
[5] Army of Ghosts
[5] Doomsday
[5] The Next Doctor
[5] The Pandorica Opens
[5] A Good Man Goes to War
[3] Closing Time
[5] Nightmare in Silver
[5] The Time of the Doctor
[5] Dark Water
[5] Death in Heaven
[7] World Enough and Time
[3] The Doctor Falls
[6] The Haunting of Villa Diodati
[5] Ascension of the Cybermen
[5] The Timeless Children
[5] The Power of the Doctor
[1] Cyberwoman

I love The Doctor Falls, but it’s a better story than it is a Cyberman story, if that makes sense.


[5] The Tenth Planet
[5] The Moonbase
[6] The Tomb of the Cybermen
[5] The Wheel in Space
[5] The Invasion
[5] Revenge of the Cybermen
[5] Earthshock
[5] The Five Doctors
[5] Attack of the Cybermen
[5] Silver Nemesis
[5] Dimensions in Time
[5] Rise of the Cybermen
[5] The Age of Steel
[5] Army of Ghosts
[5] Doomsday
[5] The Next Doctor
[5] The Pandorica Opens
[5] A Good Man Goes to War
[3] Closing Time
[5] Nightmare in Silver
[5] The Time of the Doctor
[5] Dark Water
[5] Death in Heaven
[7] World Enough and Time
[4] The Doctor Falls
[6] The Haunting of Villa Diodati
[5] Ascension of the Cybermen
[5] The Timeless Children
[5] The Power of the Doctor

[-1] Cyberwoman

It’s the low hanging fruit, let’s just get it out the way now.

Also I’m surprised World Enough and Time is separated from The Doctor Falls here, and I know the Cybermen as a villain aren’t the best part of the latter episode but it is just an incredible episode that uses Bill’s situation and the looming threat of the Cybermen in very interesting ways. Would be a shame to see it put out of the running so early.


[5] The Tenth Planet
[5] The Moonbase
[6] The Tomb of the Cybermen
[5] The Wheel in Space
[5] The Invasion
[5] Revenge of the Cybermen
[5] Earthshock
[5] The Five Doctors
[5] Attack of the Cybermen
[5] Silver Nemesis
[5] Dimensions in Time
[5] Rise of the Cybermen
[5] The Age of Steel
[5] Army of Ghosts
[5] Doomsday
[5] The Next Doctor
[5] The Pandorica Opens
[5] A Good Man Goes to War
[1] Closing Time
[5] Nightmare in Silver
[5] The Time of the Doctor
[6] Dark Water
[5] Death in Heaven
[7] World Enough and Time
[4] The Doctor Falls
[6] The Haunting of Villa Diodati
[5] Ascension of the Cybermen
[5] The Timeless Children
[5] The Power of the Doctor

As far as cyberman stories go, I feel cyberwoman should’ve at least made it past power of the doctor, timeless children, and good man goes to war

Honestly think it’s better as a story than some of the others on the list… but it’s also very easy (and correct) to point and laugh at the costume, so i get it


[5] The Tenth Planet
[5] The Moonbase
[6] The Tomb of the Cybermen
[5] The Wheel in Space
[5] The Invasion
[5] Revenge of the Cybermen
[5] Earthshock
[5] The Five Doctors
[5] Attack of the Cybermen
[5] Silver Nemesis
[5] Dimensions in Time
[5] Rise of the Cybermen
[5] The Age of Steel
[6] Army of Ghosts
[5] Doomsday
[5] The Next Doctor
[5] The Pandorica Opens
[5] A Good Man Goes to War
[1] Closing Time
[3] Nightmare in Silver
[5] The Time of the Doctor
[6] Dark Water
[5] Death in Heaven
[7] World Enough and Time
[4] The Doctor Falls
[6] The Haunting of Villa Diodati
[5] Ascension of the Cybermen
[5] The Timeless Children
[5] The Power of the Doctor

1 Like

[5] The Tenth Planet
[3] The Moonbase
[6] The Tomb of the Cybermen
[5] The Wheel in Space
[5] The Invasion
[5] Revenge of the Cybermen
[5] Earthshock
[5] The Five Doctors
[5] Attack of the Cybermen
[5] Silver Nemesis
[5] Dimensions in Time
[5] Rise of the Cybermen
[5] The Age of Steel
[6] Army of Ghosts
[5] Doomsday
[5] The Next Doctor
[5] The Pandorica Opens
[5] A Good Man Goes to War
[1] Closing Time
[3] Nightmare in Silver
[5] The Time of the Doctor
[6] Dark Water
[5] Death in Heaven
[8] World Enough and Time
[4] The Doctor Falls
[6] The Haunting of Villa Diodati
[5] Ascension of the Cybermen
[5] The Timeless Children
[5] The Power of the Doctor

1 Like

[5] The Tenth Planet
[3] The Moonbase
[6] The Tomb of the Cybermen
[5] The Wheel in Space
[5] The Invasion
[5] Revenge of the Cybermen
[5] Earthshock
[5] The Five Doctors
[5] Attack of the Cybermen
[6] Silver Nemesis
[3] Dimensions in Time
[5] Rise of the Cybermen
[5] The Age of Steel
[6] Army of Ghosts
[5] Doomsday
[5] The Next Doctor
[5] The Pandorica Opens
[5] A Good Man Goes to War
[1] Closing Time
[3] Nightmare in Silver
[5] The Time of the Doctor
[6] Dark Water
[5] Death in Heaven
[8] World Enough and Time
[4] The Doctor Falls
[6] The Haunting of Villa Diodati
[5] Ascension of the Cybermen
[5] The Timeless Children
[5] The Power of the Doctor

hmmm honestly no real horses in this race for me, though I have an inkling what the top three will be

[5] The Tenth Planet
[3] The Moonbase
[6] The Tomb of the Cybermen
[5] The Wheel in Space
[5] The Invasion
[5] Revenge of the Cybermen
[5] Earthshock
[5] The Five Doctors
[5] Attack of the Cybermen
[6] Silver Nemesis
[1] Dimensions in Time
[5] Rise of the Cybermen
[5] The Age of Steel
[6] Army of Ghosts
[5] Doomsday
[5] The Next Doctor
[5] The Pandorica Opens
[5] A Good Man Goes to War
[1] Closing Time
[3] Nightmare in Silver
[5] The Time of the Doctor
[6] Dark Water
[5] Death in Heaven
[9] World Enough and Time
[4] The Doctor Falls
[6] The Haunting of Villa Diodati
[5] Ascension of the Cybermen
[5] The Timeless Children
[5] The Power of the Doctor

5] The Tenth Planet
[3] The Moonbase
[6] The Tomb of the Cybermen
[5] The Wheel in Space
[5] The Invasion
[5] Revenge of the Cybermen
[6] Earthshock
[3] The Five Doctors
[5] Attack of the Cybermen
[6] Silver Nemesis
[1] Dimensions in Time
[5] Rise of the Cybermen
[5] The Age of Steel
[6] Army of Ghosts
[5] Doomsday
[5] The Next Doctor
[5] The Pandorica Opens
[5] A Good Man Goes to War
[1] Closing Time
[3] Nightmare in Silver
[5] The Time of the Doctor
[6] Dark Water
[5] Death in Heaven
[9] World Enough and Time
[4] The Doctor Falls
[6] The Haunting of Villa Diodati
[5] Ascension of the Cybermen
[5] The Timeless Children
[5] The Power of the Doctor

[5] The Tenth Planet
[3] The Moonbase
[6] The Tomb of the Cybermen
[5] The Wheel in Space
[5] The Invasion
[5] Revenge of the Cybermen
[6] Earthshock
[3] The Five Doctors
[5] Attack of the Cybermen
[6] Silver Nemesis
[1] Dimensions in Time
[5] Rise of the Cybermen
[5] The Age of Steel
[6] Army of Ghosts
[5] Doomsday
[5] The Next Doctor
[5] The Pandorica Opens
[5] A Good Man Goes to War
[1] Closing Time
[3] Nightmare in Silver
[5] The Time of the Doctor
[6] Dark Water
[5] Death in Heaven
[10] World Enough and Time
[4] The Doctor Falls
[6] The Haunting of Villa Diodati
[5] Ascension of the Cybermen
[5] The Timeless Children
[3] The Power of the Doctor

Wasn’t sure whether I wanted to vote but my PoTD-induced rage knows no bounds.


[5] The Tenth Planet
[3] The Moonbase
[6] The Tomb of the Cybermen
[5] The Wheel in Space
[6] The Invasion
[5] Revenge of the Cybermen
[6] Earthshock
[3] The Five Doctors
[5] Attack of the Cybermen
[6] Silver Nemesis
[5] Rise of the Cybermen
[5] The Age of Steel
[6] Army of Ghosts
[5] Doomsday
[5] The Next Doctor
[5] The Pandorica Opens
[5] A Good Man Goes to War
[1] Closing Time
[3] Nightmare in Silver
[5] The Time of the Doctor
[6] Dark Water
[5] Death in Heaven
[10] World Enough and Time
[4] The Doctor Falls
[6] The Haunting of Villa Diodati
[5] Ascension of the Cybermen
[5] The Timeless Children
[3] The Power of the Doctor

[-1] Dimensions in Time

1 Like

[5] The Tenth Planet
[3] The Moonbase
[6] The Tomb of the Cybermen
[5] The Wheel in Space
[6] The Invasion
[5] Revenge of the Cybermen
[6] Earthshock
[3] The Five Doctors
[5] Attack of the Cybermen
[6] Silver Nemesis
[5] Rise of the Cybermen
[5] The Age of Steel
[6] Army of Ghosts
[5] Doomsday
[5] The Next Doctor
[5] The Pandorica Opens
[5] A Good Man Goes to War
[3] Nightmare in Silver
[5] The Time of the Doctor
[6] Dark Water
[5] Death in Heaven
[10] World Enough and Time
[4] The Doctor Falls
[6] The Haunting of Villa Diodati
[5] Ascension of the Cybermen
[5] The Timeless Children
[3] The Power of the Doctor

Closing Time has been eliminated
Sorry, love wasn’t able to save you this time around huh?


[5] The Tenth Planet
[3] The Moonbase
[6] The Tomb of the Cybermen
[5] The Wheel in Space
[6] The Invasion
[5] Revenge of the Cybermen
[6] Earthshock
[3] The Five Doctors
[5] Attack of the Cybermen
[6] Silver Nemesis
[5] Rise of the Cybermen
[5] The Age of Steel
[6] Army of Ghosts
[5] Doomsday
[5] The Next Doctor
[5] The Pandorica Opens
[5] A Good Man Goes to War
[3] Nightmare in Silver
[5] The Time of the Doctor
[6] Dark Water
[5] Death in Heaven
[11] World Enough and Time
[4] The Doctor Falls
[6] The Haunting of Villa Diodati
[5] Ascension of the Cybermen
[3] The Timeless Children
[3] The Power of the Doctor

[5] The Tenth Planet
[3] The Moonbase
[6] The Tomb of the Cybermen
[5] The Wheel in Space
[6] The Invasion
[5] Revenge of the Cybermen
[6] Earthshock
[3] The Five Doctors
[5] Attack of the Cybermen
[6] Silver Nemesis
[5] Rise of the Cybermen
[5] The Age of Steel
[6] Army of Ghosts
[5] Doomsday
[6] The Next Doctor
[5] The Pandorica Opens
[5] A Good Man Goes to War
[3] Nightmare in Silver
[5] The Time of the Doctor
[6] Dark Water
[5] Death in Heaven
[11] World Enough and Time
[4] The Doctor Falls
[6] The Haunting of Villa Diodati
[5] Ascension of the Cybermen
[1] The Timeless Children
[3] The Power of the Doctor

i would be lying if i said i didnt love the weird furry cybershades tbh


[6] The Tenth Planet
[3] The Moonbase
[6] The Tomb of the Cybermen
[3] The Wheel in Space
[6] The Invasion
[5] Revenge of the Cybermen
[6] Earthshock
[3] The Five Doctors
[5] Attack of the Cybermen
[6] Silver Nemesis
[5] Rise of the Cybermen
[5] The Age of Steel
[6] Army of Ghosts
[5] Doomsday
[6] The Next Doctor
[5] The Pandorica Opens
[5] A Good Man Goes to War
[3] Nightmare in Silver
[5] The Time of the Doctor
[6] Dark Water
[5] Death in Heaven
[11] World Enough and Time
[4] The Doctor Falls
[6] The Haunting of Villa Diodati
[5] Ascension of the Cybermen
[1] The Timeless Children
[3] The Power of the Doctor

1 Like

[6] The Tenth Planet
[3] The Moonbase
[6] The Tomb of the Cybermen
[3] The Wheel in Space
[6] The Invasion
[5] Revenge of the Cybermen
[6] Earthshock
[3] The Five Doctors
[5] Attack of the Cybermen
[6] Silver Nemesis
[5] Rise of the Cybermen
[5] The Age of Steel
[6] Army of Ghosts
[5] Doomsday
[6] The Next Doctor
[5] The Pandorica Opens
[3] A Good Man Goes to War
[3] Nightmare in Silver
[5] The Time of the Doctor
[6] Dark Water
[5] Death in Heaven
[11] World Enough and Time
[5] The Doctor Falls
[6] The Haunting of Villa Diodati
[5] Ascension of the Cybermen
[1] The Timeless Children
[3] The Power of the Doctor

I can’t believe my favourite episode on this list (Cyberwoman) was the first to be eliminated…

1 Like

[6] The Tenth Planet
[3] The Moonbase
[6] The Tomb of the Cybermen
[3] The Wheel in Space
[6] The Invasion
[5] Revenge of the Cybermen
[6] Earthshock
[3] The Five Doctors
[5] Attack of the Cybermen
[6] Silver Nemesis
[5] Rise of the Cybermen
[5] The Age of Steel
[6] Army of Ghosts
[5] Doomsday
[6] The Next Doctor
[3] The Pandorica Opens
[3] A Good Man Goes to War
[3] Nightmare in Silver
[5] The Time of the Doctor
[6] Dark Water
[5] Death in Heaven
[11] World Enough and Time
[6] The Doctor Falls
[6] The Haunting of Villa Diodati
[5] Ascension of the Cybermen
[1] The Timeless Children
[3] The Power of the Doctor