Eighth Doctor: Echoes

I am just about to write my review for the final episode of the set, and I was wondering if anyone else had listened, and what you think?

Personally, I thought it was fine. It was enjoyable enough as a set, and I liked the second and third episodes best. However, it felt to me to be very run of the mill as far as the Liv & Helen adventures go, and I don’t think it was any stronger than the other recent releases. I enjoyed the spooky vibes, but I wish they had pushed the Helen’s grandfather thing further. I would love to see that pushed to its limits as a plot, but unfortunately I don’t think it ever will be.


Just finished episode 2! Agree with you about Helen’s grandfather. Bit of a shame we couldn’t have got a whole character piece out of that like in Albie’s Angels. He felt like a surplus part to a very packed plot—I also wanted more from the ‘Doctor’s hearts being removed as a ritual’ part of the story! I still enjoyed the episode a lot—I enjoyed how wild it got in the second half, although the conclusion felt a bit of a letdown.

I really liked Birdsong, though. I adore it when Doctor Who stories really lean into atmosphere, and I loved the unnerving, tense atmosphere of this one. I found the side characters compelling and there were some wonderful notes of horror towards the end. The only real problem I had was with the resolution—I found the obvious evil-ness of the villain to be far too simple, and I would have preferred something a bit less black-and-white. Nevertheless I liked it very much—definitely my favourite Eight story since Connections.

Looking forward to the final episode. Dan Rebellato, the writer, also penned the BBC radio series Exemplar, which I think is excellent, so I’m excited for his take on Who.


Ooh, see I found Birdsong kind of dull - I think it’s just the kind of story that doesn’t vibe well with me. But I enjoyed the last one alot, and I fully agree with you about ep2. There was a lot going on and I wish they had picked one of those and really pushed hard on it.

After all, it’s been quite a while since we had a proper, brutal Eight body horror story!


Very much one that depends on whether or not you vibe with it, I think. I remember it reminded me a lot of a Thousand Tiny Wings, which has a similar tense, strange atmosphere (and I was very glad when it got a reference!)


And I in fact really liked A Thousand Tiny Wings! I think possibly, this is also a case of I didn’t listen to this episode in the right mood, which does make a differrence. And I don’t think I didn’t enjoy it, if that makes sense. It just wasn’t my vibe today.


I believe that’s also a fairly a large plot thread of the later half of the BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures line.


I’m anticipating it quite a lot! I’m reading through the EDAs at the moment—currently halfway through Dark Progeny so it’s coming up soon…


I’m not actually going to read any of these spoiler blurs yet because I’ve not listened to the set, but it’s definitely on my list (trying to listen to all of the Eighth Doctor stories, nearly there).

But I do think there needs to be some kind of big shakeup with Liv and Helen or it will just always be generic Doctor Who stories.


Yes a thousand times this! And it’s not at all that I don’t like the stories we’re getting - they’re fun! I’m entertained enough! Liv and Helen are brilliant! But one of the best things about DW is the way it thrives on change and surprising you, and it pains me to say it but I just don’t feel like we’re getting that with the current 8DAs


Just listened to Slow Beasts! I liked that one a lot too—I loved the strangeness of it, the alienness of the world. Big Finish doesn’t do nearly enough of inventing truly alien worlds and ecosystems.

I also loved that the plot was solved by the investigation of sound. Perfect for an audio story—and not to harp on, but it reminded me of Exemplar, which is about an audio detective who uses sounds to solve mysteries. (Please listen to Exemplar everyone it’s soooo good. Okay I’ll stop now…)

Really enjoyed the boxset as a whole, but I wholeheartedly agree that they need something new for 8, Liv and Helen. Stranded should have been that but wasn’t in the end. I think I want something that hits the characters harder emotionally (especially Helen, who is after all my favourite!)


100%, I think honestly Slow Beasts was my favourite of the set, it felt like a fully realised story - I didn’t feel like it was trying to be too ambitious which made it work. Plus, I really enjoyed the world - it isn’t often, as you say, that you really feel that it’s an alien environment.

But totally agree, yes, Helen needs some emotional consequences for all the things she’s gone through lately!


Just finished Birdsong. It was really good. I loved both the brief reference to The Pit, and that the Doctor didn’t have the sonic because he was using it as a bookmark. I don’t usually do horror, but this just worked for me.


Very much agree that this felt like a decent set but highlighted how in need of a shakeup the Liv and Helen era is. I think the main drag is the lack of any kind of overarching plot. I also think it’s probably time for the two of them to leave the Tardis.

The more stories that take place in this period the more I feel a bit bad for Tania


I really think Tania was short changed in Stranded - I wish they had been willing to go further with her character because she had so much interesting potential that just kind of fizzled out, and now we’re getting all these Liv and Helen stories it feels like she’s being sidelined. Which sucks.

But I agree. Much as I love them, I think we need something new


I agree. I really liked Tania, she was basically treated like shit by Liv. I loved the story Wild Animals, especially the scenes between Liv & Tania. I wanted more of that kind of stuff from the Stranded range tbh.


Yeah! I love Tania, and I love Liv, but I do not at all understand how anyone can see their relationship as the dreamy romance the writing seems to be trying to pitch it as. I almost wish that they had leaned into it being messier and given us some time to explore how you can adore someone completely and still hurt them. I think that would have been a vastly more interesting take to have than them both lying to each other all the time and yet still, somehow, being perfect lovers for some reason


Birdsong felt like a redo of Whisper from Ravenous 4, but with a less interesting gimmick. Lost Hearts felt like a speedrun of Seasons of Fear with all the fun bits cut for time. They’re still good, but Slow Beasts was the only one that felt remotely original

This is the same tardis team we’ve had for the last 9 years, and it’s starting to show


Totally and I think that’s why Slow Beasts was my favourite - it didn’t just feel like a rehash of the same old character beats. I have a theory that the only way it makes sense for Liv to go back to Baker Street with Tania is for Helen to die and for it to be the Doctor’s fault. Because that is the only thing I can think of that explains why Liv would want to leave the tardis and why her goodbye felt weirdly cold
And I don’t exactly want that to happen, but it would be interesting at least


I listened to all three stories today. I’d probably rate the set as a whole at 6/10. I agree with others that these 8DA’s are beginning to feel a bit too safe and formulaic, and they need to come up with something different to maintain listeners’ interest!

Birdsong is fine. Although the story is straightforward, it lacks intrigue and is easily forgettable. I don’t feel the tension or the atmosphere, but the body horror parts towards the end are well made. The villain’s reveal is a tad too predictable. 5/10.

The second story is also pretty straightforward and not very interesting until the final third, after which it turns pretty tense. The guest performances are stellar, and the twist surrounding Monty was a good one. 6/10.

Slow Beasts has the best story and thematic elements. I found the story to be a bit dull at the beginning, but it became interesting in the second half. The story effectively uses the titular beasts, which is a great idea. 6/10.


Finished the second story, Lost Hearts, tonight and really enjoyed it. It felt like a cross between 73 Yards and Seasons of Fear. Based off a couple lines, I wonder if people have forgotten about Liv’s final fate and suspect other commenters are correct when theorizing that it’ll take Helen’s irrevocable death to force Liv to leave. Despite not being a someone who likes horror, at all, I thoroughly enjoyed this story. 5/5.