Because the first 200 issues of DWM are easily accessable on Archive (Doctor Who Magazine Archive : Doctor Who Magazine : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive), I thought it would to get discussions going on each issue. Be it about the comics, articles, short stories, how fandom has changed over the last 30-45 years, etc. This thread is specifically for DWM #6.
Not much to this issue. The only real meat is the Sontaran article, and that doesn’t have much. The main comic is The Iron Legion (Part 6) with part two of “Throwback: The Soul of a Cyberman” featuring Kroton, a Cyberman who retains his emotions (and would later be a companion of the Eighth Doctor). We’re still in the era of it being a glorified comic book. I eagerly look forward to the 1980s when it start delving deeper into fandom.