Because the first 200 issues of DWM are easily accessable on Archive (, I thought it would to get discussions going on each issue. Be it about the comics, articles, short stories, how fandom has changed over the last 30-45 years, etc. This thread is specifically for DWM #45.
While I do plan on going through all of these first 200 issues, I chose this issue (and the next) because this appears to be where we start to get into comtemporary behind the scenes stuff.
An interesting retelling of Ambassadors of Death as a UNIT Special Report, rather simplified (completely leaving out Liz’s capture and revealing the twist that General Carrington is the main villain right from the start of the article). Still, being able to relive the story in some form in 1980 must’ve been great since the Target Novel for this story didn’t release until October 1987.
Nice little spotlight on Jon Pertwee. And K9 shirts![1] A nice little piece on Shada with the basics of plot and it’s then-current fate. I find the comics that are ads for something (in this case Star Wars toys) rather fascinating. A nice little preview for The Leisure Hive that hints just enough to whet a young viewer’s appetite without really giving anything away. Not a bad issue, nothing overly outstanding but enough interesting stuff to be a fun little read.
See the picture I included. ↩︎