Doom's Day

Just curious here :slightly_smiling_face: Has anybody read or listened to any of the Doom’s Day content? It didn’t really peak my interest at the time of release so I would love to hear what you think about it.
I have only read the short stories on the Doctor Who site…

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I watched the teaser video, read the opening chapter on the website, and read the comic strips in DWM. That was enough for me. I found it a bit too cheesy and childish for me. I wasn’t very impressed by the TLV event, and while this one was a bit better structured, I still didn’t find it particularly engaging. So I don’t know how the story ended, and I haven’t even bothered listening to the BF audios (and I listen to almost everything they release!).


I too kinda skipped this. But as I add them to the site (a few more bits to add I think) I’m going to read / listen to them. I also need to do Time Lord Victorious, as I didn’t get around to that when it was released.

I loved the premise, but then the teaser video was… pretty awful. I feel like it could have been great, had it had a bit more time and effort put towards it. It got pretty badly hammered across social media too, which didn’t help.


All these cross-media things just turn me off. I like to be able to follow a story in my own way at my own schedule. So I haven’t bothered with any of Time Lord Victorious or Doom’s Day.


Time Lord Victorious didn’t interest me at all mainly because that was an aspect of the 10th Doctor I really didn’t engage with.

I tried to get on board with Dooms Day - read the online starter and the DWM comics but haven’t bothered with anything else - not even the ending!

The video teaser got such a drubbing from fandom it really killed it dead before it had even started.


It seems as if there is a general consensus :wink:
I never got into Time Lord Victorious either, I think also there is a problem of accessibility of the content - you have to fork over a pretty penny to get the full story of these multimedia events.
That said I am kind of intrigued by the “Extraction Point” book by MG Harris, while the Slitheen family isn’t a favourite of mine the prospect of a 2nd and 9th Doctor team up could be quite fun and interesting.
I quickly stopped reading the social media comments for this, it almost came to the point of abuse of the creative staff behind it all as well as Sooz Kempner

Oh wow I thought I was alone, the only piece of TLV content I got was the golden emperor Dalek figure (the one with the spherical head) just becouse I’ve liked that one ever sense reading the original dalek comics

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I will probably listen to the McGann audios eventually because of completionism reasons (which is the only reason I listened to any of TLV), but I must confess I have very little interest in the wider scale of these multimedia releases


I read the online bookends, the Titan comics and the Lost in Time app events (before I gave up on the app). It’s an interesting premise, and the conclusion is interesting enough. I actually enjoyed TLV, and that one I read/listened to most of it (I read the two novels and listened to all the audios). TLV is the one time I wish I subbed to DWM because the Monstrous Beauty comic never got collected anywhere.

I’m totally against the whole concept of these huge multimedia events - makes it very hard for completists as soon as you get beyond the basics of book/audio/comic. Until the publicity for Dooms Day came out I’d never even heard of Time Lord Victorious outside the TV episodes so I missed out on the whole thing, & there are parts I’ll never be able to experience now.

I’m afraid - thanks in no small part to the dire trailer - Dooms Day held no appeal for me whatsoever. I read the online shorts at the beginning and end and that was it. I have the comics but haven’t read them. I just don’t get why we - or the Doctor - are supposed to care about this character.


Unfortunately that trailer was just so bad!

If they are going to do these multi media events (which I think are fun), they should spend some decent money on them and make good trailers. Also I understand why they can’t have TV episodes that tie in, except retroactively (BBC License terms), but at least some high quality YouTube shorts would be good.


Yeah, the trailer was pretty shocking. I used to follow Sooz Kempner when I was on Twitter prior to its Elon-gated demise. She was very funny and used to do YouTube skits and so on. I was surprised that RTD chose her to play Doom, but I can understand why she jumped at the chance. But the trailer was poorly thought through and executed and it just looked shoddy. I don’t think that Sooz was the right choice for the character, although I think she only did the trailer and one or two audios, so I guess it would have been a hard sell to get a more estabilshed character actor to do it, rather than a comedian.

I’m not the target audience for these linked events. I think they’re more for the teenage market. I hope that there were some youngsters who enjoyed it. I suspect that this one didn’t work out as well as Time Lord Victorious, which wasn’t for me either, but I’m glad that the beeb is still trying to work creatively to engage young people and children with Doctor Who. I think I would have loved this kind of thing when I was in my early teens and would have eagerly tried to collect each element. I’m just too old and jaded to appreciate the novelty now. Thankfully my jadedness doesn’t stretch to the rest of Doctor Who, which I still love, despite reaching the upper end of middle age!