Donnie Darko and Richard Kelly (It's kinda connected)

I know it’s kinda off-topic, but a general question: Are there any people who are fans of both “Donnie Darko” (and Richard Kelly’s work in general) and “Doctor Who” at the same time? Like me? Again, sorry it’s off-topic, I just wanna see if there are people like me who believe they are kinda connected. Again, sorry it’s off-topic, but it’s gonna be a last “off-topic” of mine on this forum, sorry. Everything else will be strictly Whoniverse-related. I’m just trying to see something. I don’t know. Sorry again for "off-topic"ness)


I like Richard Kelly films. Donnie Darko is great, and Southland Tales is an underappreciated film. I know it’s flaws, but I love it anyway.

Donnie Darko’s biggest problem is needing to either be told how it all works, or read Kelly’s essay on the film.

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Yeah, I probably agree with you. I don’t know, I just felt… kinda high-spirited, but without any serious drugs (I don’t drink alcohol and I don’t smoke cigaretts, but admittedly consume coffeine and take antidepressants because of my OCD). I don’t know. I just felt something really powerful. I don’t know. I just decided to rewatch “Donnie Darko” (the theatrical cut) and right now (I watched only the Director’ Cut before) I suddenly felt like I totally UNDERSTANDED, like, you know, really understanded. But I probably won’t tell this to anybody. Yeah, sorry, I’m just really high-spirited right now)

Please don’t apologise for an off-topic topic! That’s what this part of the forum is for. We do all like things other than Doctor Who ( :scream_cat:) - scandalous I know!

I have to hold my hand up, though, and admit that I was not a fan of Donnie Darko - didn’t get it at all and was just bored/confused for the whole run time. Sorry!

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That’s totally okay) I don’t know, I’m just VERY high-spirited right now)